Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Asian Studies; Global and International Studies

Project Advisor 1

Robert Culp

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Gender equality is an issue that is coming to the forefront of all nations, not just because of feminist ideals, but economically as well. This project focuses on why this is occurring and how some countries’ cultures impact this issue more then others. To do this, gender equalities issues in the workplace in Japan are used as a case study. The idea of men being the breadwinners in the outer sphere, while women take care of and remain in the home in the inner sphere, is a phenomenon seen not only in Japan but other Asian nations, such as China. Despite advancement in gender equality in Western countries, it also still exists as a concept even in the United States. This concept has been slow to advance in Japan, putting pressure on the government and corporations, forcing women to return to the inner sphere after giving birth to a child instead of continuing to work. By looking at this question and using Japan as a case study, this project explores how gender equality issues are connected to other important issues like immigration and declining birthrate. How Japan handles gender equality issues through the government and private sector can be either a role model or an example of what not to do for other countries. While corporations will most likely have a great effect on the outcome of this dilemma, women themselves will ultimately be the ones who are going to decide the direction that these gender equality concerns moves forward.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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