Date of Submission

Spring 2018

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Environmental and Urban Studies

Project Advisor 1

Kris Feder

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The private sector is bereft of storm water management structures that reduce flooding in cities, but “public / private partnerships can be excellent vehicles for delivering innovation in storm water management,” according to the Urban Land Institute, a think tank based in Washington D.C. (27). Low Impact Development (LID) embodies good stormwater management. It keeps rainwater out of the combined sewer overflow system by retaining it in place. Business Improvement Districts are one type of public private partnership and a growing influence in urban life. They are a global phenomena, but owe their popularity in America to changes at the Department of Housing and Urban Development, made under President William J. Clinton. This report asks how a BID can contribute to a neighborhood-wide network of LID that reduces flood risk.

Open Access Agreement

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