Date of Submission

Spring 2017

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Thomas Wild

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project explores the implications of writing as a concept that reverberates between the material world and the mind. Language enables one to investigate their identity, illuminating one’s relationship with the past as well as with any foreign culture into which they may plunge. Together, these possibilities strengthen a writer’s understanding of their identity, constituting an infinity that the act of writing materializes.

Die Ringe des Saturn poses two applications of this conception of writing. The first utilizes writing as a tool for uniting object and memory. Manifesting in the symbiosis of memory and physical movement, Die Ringe des Saturn reveals language’s ability to produce a tangible product of one’s thoughts. The translation of Die Ringe des Saturn situates the words in English, thereby informing the multiple facets of the narrator’s identity. In other words, the infinite functions of language effect both what is written on a page and which words are selected to represent thoughts and objects.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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