Date of Submission

Spring 2017

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Psychology; Psychology

Project Advisor 1

Stuart Stritzler-Levine

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This research study examined the unique matching of perspectives between teachers and students on the notion of who is assumed to be responsible for student academic achievement and subjective well-being. Students (N=190) in grades 9-11 and teachers (N=19) from a Newark, New Jersey public magnet high school completed various locus of control, classroom climate and well-being psychological questionnaires. Descriptive statistics and correlational tests were conducted for the analysis of the data. The surveys provided an in depth understanding of the distribution of perspectives which existed in this academic institution. Students found themselves, more often than not, feeling responsible for their own academic achievement. Most of the teacher population perceived themselves as not being accountable for the academic achievement of their students. Based on the results of the present study, pre-existing research and an innovative assessment for both students and teachers, a methodology for how an effort-based intervention can be an influencing factor for teacher performance in the classroom as well as student academic achievement and subjective well-being in school is proposed. Provided that the teachers and students put in the necessary effort to enhance the classroom experience for the student’s post-intervention, the expectation is that student effort will increase and consequently, so will student academic achievement and subjective well-being. The purpose of this study is to provoke thought from both students and teachers surrounding the student-teacher dynamic with regards to student academic achievement and well-being and to provide methodology via intervention for combating problems that stem from their complex relationship.

Open Access Agreement

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