Date of Submission

Spring 2017

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Peter Klein

Abstract/Artist's Statement

“Fit to Print: Hudson’s Gentrification in the New York Times, 1985-2016” is a content analysis of 80 New York Times articles that investigates the way that the City of Hudson N.Y. has been covered by the paper between 1985 and 2016. Findings from this content analysis are presented in 10-year increments. In the first phase of coverage, New York Times reporting primed Hudson for gentrification by depicting it as a site of urban decay hoping to revitalize. In the second phase (1997-2006) New York Times coverage promoted growth regime activities and minimized social problems in the city. In the last phase (2007-2016) the paper framed Hudson as a gentrified city now taken over by a creative class who see Hudson as an alternative to a larger urban center. Together, these findings show how a pro-gentrification narrative has been constructed by The Times and encourages further gentrification in the future.

Open Access Agreement

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