"The long term efficacy of stimulant treatment in executive functioning" by Kaitlyn Noel Mock

Date of Submission

Spring 2017

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Frank Scalzo

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a persistent and pervasive lifelong disorder. Children diagnosed with ADHD have poor predicted life outcomes. Specific impairments of inattention are responsible for poor executive functioning and emotional control within the disorder. These deficits are also predictors of poor life outcomes. Stimulant treatment has only been established as an efficacious form of treatment for ADHD in the short term. In order to mitigate the predicted poor life outcomes, stimulants need to be established as efficacious in the long term improvement of psychosocial functioning in ADHD, in order to be considered a truly efficacious treatment. A five year, double blind, placebo controlled, longitudinal study is proposed to address this gap in research. This study will investigate if the benefits of a 24 month amphetamine treatment are sustained three years post treatment. There will be a mixed amphetamine medication treatment group and a placebo control treatment group. The first hypothesis predicts that the amphetamine treatment will reduce the ADHD symptoms in the amphetamine group while they are taking the drug. Secondly, it is predicted that the benefits from the 24 month amphetamine treatment will no longer be present three years after the cessation of treatment. It is expected that stimulant treatment will not mitigate the predicted poor life outcomes in children with ADHD. There should be an increased focus on advancing and promoting alternative treatments other than stimulant medication.

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