"Οὐδε γέρων Ἀστραῖος ἀναίνετο: The Dancing God and the Mind of Zeus in " by Doron Simcha Tauber

Date of Submission

Spring 2017

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literature

Project Advisor 1

William Mullen

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Nonnos’ Dionysiaca is designed as a revolutionary work in the epic genre, to evoke the eponymous god’s dancing energy. He has encoded a deep, pervasive structure in the poem that at once critiques the values implicit in Homeric epic and suggests that life is better lived in harmony with the rhythms of the apparently-chaotic forces in nature. Apparent chaos in Nonnos is bounded by patterns of anticipation, jarring macabre, and comically absurd resolution.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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