"Dostoevsky's "Bobok": A Translation to the Language of the Stage" by Daniel Julian Krakovski

Date of Submission

Spring 2016

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Theater; Russian

Project Advisor 1

Olga Voronina

Project Advisor 2

Jonathan Rosenberg

Abstract/Artist's Statement

As a joint major in Russian & Eurasian Studies and Theater & Performance, my senior project is a translation of Fyodor Dostoevsky’s short story entitled “Бобок: записки одного человека” [Bobok: Notes of a Certain Individual] (1873) from Russian into English. This translation then served as the textual foundation for what eventually—after a six-month rehearsal process—became a solo performance featuring an actor named Fergus Baumann. I co-directed the performance in tandem with my collaborator Eileen Goodrich. Our production was featured in the Theater & Performance Senior Project Festival, which provided us with three performances in the Luma Theater of the Richard B. Fisher Center for the Performing Arts.

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