Date of Submission

Spring 2016

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Studio Arts

Project Advisor 1

Jeffrey Gibson

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Displaying and covering the human form, fiber inherently refers to the body. It wraps, protects, and conveys stories about us. This accumulation of work uses strands of fiber to define space, create structures, and manipulate the human form. Considering the process of craft in which bodies manipulate fiber, this work explores the way in which fiber manipulates bodies. As sculptures that envelope a human form, each garment mandates how a body may move both within and outside of it, engendering a performance in which both entities assert limits and capabilities. Each knot, stitch, and weave, is an expression of time, labor, and even frustration. As remnants of repeated gestures, they are suspended traces of the hand, a tactile documentation of emotional experience and physical effort.

This work acknowledges fiber for its ability to forge human interaction and manipulate our forms. It is capable to define space and bodies through its physicality, tactility, and sensuality.

Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

Calloway Part 1.m4v (97187 kB)
With Every Fiber - Installation Video Loop Part 1

Calloway Part 2.m4v (92702 kB)
With Every Fiber - Installation Video Loop Part 2

Calloway Part 3.m4v (77896 kB)
With Every Fiber - Installation Video Loop Part 3

This work is protected by a Creative Commons license. Any use not permitted under that license is prohibited.
