Date of Submission

Spring 2015

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Paul Cadden-Zimansky

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Graphene is a single-atom-thick allotrope of carbon that displays a variety of novel physical behavior due to its geometry. Graphene is referred to as a ``two-dimensional material'' since electrons in the material are confined to one atomic plane. This spatial confinement gives graphene its unique properties, which are both interesting from a purely scientific position and promising for technological applications. A better understanding of graphene's electronic and optoelectronic properties helps shed light on the physics of this novel material, and informs the development of graphene-based technologies. In this project, we investigate photoresponse of graphene under the influence of high magnetic fields. We seek to better understand the current body knowledge in this field through a review of relevant literature. This body of knowledge is further developed through the nanofabrication of two graphene-on-boron-nitride devices for a future photoconductivity measurement at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. These devices are custom-designed to meet specific requirements and restrictions of the measurement set-up.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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