Date of Submission

Spring 2015

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Written Arts

Project Advisor 1

Michael Ives

Abstract/Artist's Statement

I guess the most appropriate place to begin is exactly where we left, with the Buddhist principle of non-attachment. The principle of flows, of flux. The intimate interaction found in the movement of water over the roots of trees. Or the welcoming and questioning approach of a conversation between two strangers, which eventually recedes back to a new distance born of the engagement. The Bakhtiari, one of the nomadic tribes of Iran, move from one place to another, transforming each place they visit into their home. Home is a part of each moment, however, and so they exhibit little attachment to physical place. The notion of home becomes more of a psychological comfort and less of a physical one. To me, this is the quintessence of the nomadic diffusion of thought. Intimacy with a person, object, or place exists in the extreme for a moment in time, then passes, receding or diffusing into other places. The nomad is not bound by the constraints of time. People say "I was so in love back then" or "In the future I will be so happy." This is to constrain an emotion within a moment, creating boxes to manipulate, stacking one upon another, accumulating a baggage of moments. The nomadic diffusion of thought is what I want in my poetry. Even more, I want to live it. To experience something in the fullness of its moment. Not to be dragged back to it by the filament of memory. But neither do I want to forget. I do not want my memories to color my initial perception of the things I have experienced, but to greet each new color as it blooms.

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