Date of Submission

Spring 2015

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Joel Perlmann

Project Advisor 2

Sarah Egan

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This paper will discuss the outcomes of Social Movement Organizations (SMOs) working in an organizational field of Latin American immigrant-based organizations. Data on the strategies and outcomes of these SMOs were collected from a general field survey as well as interviews with six leaders of SMOs serving Latin American immigrant populations, spanning New York State. A qualitative analysis of their responses will be used to better understand what the impact of organizing strategy looks like for organizations working on behalf of Latin American immigrant communities in different community contexts. The report will place examples of contemporary organizations in a model of professionally operated SMO outcomes based on multi-institutional systems and social movement theories, and using a historical backdrop to better understand what system of institutions the sample set of SMOs and their beneficiary populations emerges from.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

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