Date of Submission

Spring 2014

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Paul Cadden-Zimansky

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This research is an investigation of a two-dimensional electronic effect in connected one- and two-atoms-thick carbon sheets, known as hybrid graphene. In particular, the phenomenon studied is known as the quantum Hall effect, which describes the unusual motion of electrons in two-dimensional materials when placed in a magnetic field, and gives rise to quantized electrical resistance. An extensive nanofabrication process was used to produce a microcircuit which would allow for various different connections to the sample for testing. Hybrid graphene was measured at magnetic fields strengths up to 9 Tesla (about 2,000 times stronger than the average refrigerator magnet), at a temperature 1.4 degrees above absolute zero, both necessary conditions for resolving such a fragile effect. While rather extensive research has previously been done on the quantum Hall effect on homogeneous one-atom-thick graphene, the addition of a two-layer region, however small, introduces a novel and notable effect on the way the system responds to the magnetic field.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

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