Date of Submission

Spring 2014

Academic Programs and Concentrations


Project Advisor 1

Swapan Jain

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Genomic DNA is generally accepted as the primary target of the hallmark chemotherapeutic drug, cisplatin. The last three decades, however, have seen the proliferation of research into potential alternative metallopharmaceuticals, the mechanisms of which implicate a broad array of biomolecular targets. Novel transition metal complexes containing ruthenium (III) centers have demonstrated particular promise. My work has investigated the interactions between IT127, a heteromultinuclear transition metal complex containing both ruthenium (III) and platinum(II) centers, and Sarcin-Ricin Loop (SRL) RNA.

Whereas cisplatin and its derivatives are effective in the treatment of primary tumors, a number of well-established ruthenium-based compounds exhibit anti-metastatic activity. Accordingly, the recent design of heteromultinuclear transition metal complexes containing both ruthenium(III) and platinum(II) centers is motivated by the prospect of incorporating both antineoplastic and antimetastatic activities into a single compound.

Evidence gleaned from RT primer extension assays have furnished compelling evidence for IT127 binding to a purine-rich tetraloop region of the SRL oligoribonucleotide.

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