Date of Submission
Spring 2014
Academic Programs and Concentrations
Physics; Science, Technology, and Society
Project Advisor 1
Matthew Deady
Abstract/Artist's Statement
Michael Faraday is well known in physics for his vivid experiments and public demonstrations still used today as well as work which is credited with leading to the emergence of field theory. His lack of a formal education led him to design experiments and lectures focused only on qualitative observation and careful manipulation of natural phenomena, and his methods of collecting data and documenting his theories have allowed his peers, and us, full view into his work. This project seeks to reconstruct Faraday’s famous iron ring induction experiment by exploring the scientific historical context, the multitude of documents he left, and a recreation of the experiment while applying a modern understanding of electrodynamics. An analysis of the interaction of these elements reveals the historic and scientific significance in contrast with popular understanding.
Open Access Agreement
On-Campus only
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Ames, Charlotte Woolworth, "Observation and Recollection: Reconstructing Michael Faraday's Discovery of Electromagnetic Induction" (2014). Senior Projects Spring 2014. 121.
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