Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Jean Churchill

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Artist Statement

I am part impulse, part intention. I am part water, part land. I am part ancestor, part sister. I am an equation of mass, gravity, and density. I am a living and moving sculpture in continuous relation with my environment. I reside on a pendular rhythm. As I swing through each moment, I am involved in a relentless search for the boundaries of which my mass can resonate on and my density can echo within.

The depth of my structure, fluid in form is efficient in function. Discovering it’s innate organization is a constant process. Together all parts are in continuous motion. The consistent negotiation of components creates a three dimensional map. This cartographic container holds a physical record that is layered with cells and flesh, memory and desire.

I aim to illuminate particulars of moments in motion. Through manipulations of time, space, and shape, details of an environment become magnified, skewed, and altered. My work is a fleeting record of interactions with my environment. It is a living archive, an ephemeral document.

I’ve discovered that choreography, like cartography, organizes place within space. For me, making dance is a navigation of the optic experience. My work is a visual map, an organization of energy, a process of routing and direction. Moments are landmarks. Migration is pathway. Time allows layers to collect, and dissipate. Habits are developed and customs are transferred. We adapt, and re-adapt in accordance with the people and places we engage with. I believe that dance, our physical language, maps the transition from impulse to expression.

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