Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program

Studio Arts

Project Advisor 1

Lothar Osterburg

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Dina Pollack

Artist Statement

April 2013

My string installation is a neutral map of my connections with no emotional attachments. The strings represent my closest connections to people. This is juxtaposed with a series of books of a more personal nature. Even though this map looks at a point frozen in time, I also came to understand more about flux and changing relationships, understanding that relationships always had the potential for change.

I knew that I needed to address the two separate geographic parts of my life, California and New York, and needed to recognize and comprehend their differences. In order to look at the nature of the individual relationships, I added the number of text messages (December 8, 2012 through March 8, 2013) and phone calls (August 8, 2012 through March 8, 2013) I had exchanged with each person on my map, while at the same time choosing to omit personal interactions. I chose these data sets because whether I was in California or New York, my connection with each person could still be upheld through a text message or phone call.

I chose to include the books because they pose a different side of relationships and connections, showing the viewer how I feel about some of my personal interactions, including the interactions I have with myself. The books create a more personal interaction, a much needed break from the neutrality of the installation. It was not only important for me to create the books for a different side of my show, but it was important for me to come to a deeper understanding with some of the subject I address in my books.

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