Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Matthew Deady

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The project involves a simulated optics design relating the light phenomena of diffusion and scattering. The purpose of this project is to investigate a simple method that can simulate and reconstruct a two-dimensional image from diffuse scattering of an unknown object in a medium. By analyzing the light diffusion properties, I want to track the paths of the photons from specific boundary conditions that will be determined depending on the medium and possible scattering objects. Using a Monte Carlo simulation program done in Matlab language, I approximate the random walks in which the photons undergo passing through a medium. As a result of this method, I obtain data sets relating the "weight" or intensity of the photons after scattering. The aim is to describe any modifications in the photons distribution due to interaction with a barrier by studying the relationship of the intensity with respect to the exiting position.

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