Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Lauren Rose

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Aside from being fun, card games have been used as methods to teach elements of probability. One such card game ,"SET", has players find groups of three cards called SETs. In this paper ,I investigate the mathematics of the game of SET such as the probabilities of finding various SETs in the actual game as well as modelling probabilities of more complicated games identifying the geometry of a SET. I also look at forming a geometric model for identifying SETs and use this as a means of finding the Maximal Cap of the game. In addition to the classic game of SET, I invent a variant of the game called "SuperSET" and use the same methods of analysis used for classic SET and attempt to form a general formula to allow us to compute probabilities of finding various SETs in this new game.

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