Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program

Political Studies

Project Advisor 1

David O'Connell

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Today, the United States faces a myriad of foreign policy challenges, including rogue states, poverty, climate change, environmental degradation, nuclear proliferation, and terrorism. In this paper, I analyze three different academic theories that might help guide the U.S. towards an effective foreign policy strategy that will produce lasting peace in the world. Democratic Peace Theory is the theory that asserts that no two democracies engage in war against each other. Nuclear Proliferation Theory holds that countries that are armed with nuclear weapons hesitate to use them against each other. And what I have termed “Multinational Corporation Involvement Theory,” states that corporations involved in host countries can promote peace and encourage economic stability within those countries. Ultimately, I find that none of the theories would be beneficial for U.S. foreign policy. Rather, I suggest that countries should promote stability in the international arena, making it easier to collaborate with one another and tackle the world’s issues as a community.

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