Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program

Computer Science

Project Advisor 1

Rebecca Thomas

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project was originally inspired by Google Glass, a pair of glasses that present the wearer with a digitally augmented view. Applications include projecting information about someone you are talking to, checking weather, and translation services via the glasses.

The goal of my project was to create an Augmented Reality using the Kinect Camera. This program takes a live feed from the Kinect RGB Camera and augments it with images of additional objects. These objects are placed in the feed in a realistic manner, so that they obscure the images of real objects that lie ``behind" the added object but not of objects that lie ``in front" of the artificial object. The depth sensor of the Kinect is used to distinguish which objects in the real world should be obscured. This project explored various ways of using the Kinect, manipulating images based on data, and working with the Windows Presentation Format.

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