Date of Submission

Spring 2013

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Paul Cadden-Zimansky

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon allotrope that has gained a significant amount of attention in the world of condensed matter physics since its discovery in 2004. Through mechanical exfoliation, it is possible to isolate these one atom-thick layers of carbon from bulk graphite. Graphene is one of the few conductive, two-dimensional materials that exist today, and is often called a “zero-gap semiconductor” because of its unique band structure. Having an unusual dispersion relationship, charges in the material exhibit interesting and drastically different quantum mechanical behavior than what is seen in three-dimensional semiconductors.

For this project, electrically coupled monolayer and bilayer graphene devices were fabricated to measure the quantum Hall effect. The focus of this research was centered around measuring the effects of Landau quantization on charge transport through the interface of monolayer and bilayer graphene. While it could not be concluded whether the measured quantum Hall effect corresponded to monolayer or bilayer graphene, the data collected for the hybridized device exhibited traces of the quantum Hall effect at high magnetic fields in both the longitudinal and transverse resistance measurements. These results ultimately show that the quantum Hall effect can be observed in hybridized graphene devices.

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