"Wedding" by Saul S. Roso

Date of Submission

Spring 2012

Academic Program

Film and Electronic Arts

Project Advisor 1

Peter Hutton

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Wedding by Saul Steeve Roso – Artist Statement

I’m almost very sure that happiness is very important. And I’m equally sure that unhappiness is something one should be away from. I don’t know if I had seen film as a means of problem solving before, but I do now.

When I saw a psychologist who told me to pursue homosexuality in order to become happier (something that I had not considered seriously prior to this encounter), I was presented with a huge problem that I should conquer, and it was larger than many of the problems I had to face before. I soon found out that documenting this had a meditative effect on me and I was feeling the necessary energy in me to go on with this quest as I filmed it. By it, I mean both the process of experimenting with the idea of homosexuality and the products of contemplating on it; as the latter constitutes the majority of my finished piece.

Interestingly, this whole process helped me figure out my own place in filmmaking, perhaps more than it helped me figure out my sexual identity. I had a problem, and dealing with that problem helped my relationship with the tool I used as a means of dealing with it too. I, for some bizarre reason I don’t know, never did channel my problems into my interest in filmmaking. My depression and stress that leave me in a paralyzed state most of the time and my filmmaking attempts were as apart from each other as possible. This year, I found out that I needed to merge them into one to make my own pieces: very stressful films. I believe I almost succeeded at it. Or perhaps I fully did.

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