Date of Submission

Spring 2012

Academic Program

Division of the Arts; Dance

Project Advisor 1

Leah Cox

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Artist Statement:

My choreographic work is stimulated by a mental image that comes to me through research and observation of dance and other art forms. Once I have an image in my head then I realize the image by doing picture research. My image inspires a concept and characters that fit into the piece. I always plant my original image somewhere in the ending product of my dance.

I choreograph by casting my dancers as characters. I use these characters to explore the essential relationships between people and the essential struggles we face as individuals. Creating personality based dances enables me to abstractly investigate theatrical situations. Sometimes I start rehearsal by having my dancers read a play out loud, as an easier way for them to grasp their character. Then I use text from the play to prompt movement phrases.

Dance is an important outlet for me because I have been studying and exploring the art form since I was five years old. I believe that dance can express and convey any concept, realistic or abstract. A simple choreographic choice can make people think of many different things and can speak for itself. I choreograph to give the audience a chance to experience something different then their everyday lives and to allow them to engage their imagination.

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