Date of Submission
Spring 2012
Academic Program
Historical Studies
Project Advisor 1
Robert Culp
Abstract/Artist's Statement
For many decades, historians believe that the Sino-American relationship during World War II was strongly influenced by some extraordinary individuals. However, if we follow the path of history and trace it back to the very beginning, what we would see is the fact that after all, the Sino-American wartime relationship was just another case of engagement based on national interest. By closely examining the cases like Burma Campaigns, we can see how Sino-American relationship was shaped by America's global geo-strategy.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Chen, Yi-Ching, "A Strategical Friendship -- The Sino-American Relationship During World War II" (2012). Senior Projects Spring 2012. 255.
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