"The Clinton and Bush Administrations’ Response to Human Sex Trafficki" by Cynthia LaGuerre

Date of Submission

Spring 2012

Academic Program

Political Studies

Project Advisor 1

Ken Haig

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The purpose of this project is to show why the issue of human sex trafficking was brought into the light in the 90’s when it existed way before. The answer is, the increase of women in power, the coalition of faith based groups joining the radical feminists and pressuring the Clinton and Bush administrations, and the increase of STD’s in the 80’s with the new focus on reproductive health. This project also shows how the Clinton and Bush administrations have addressed these issues of sex trafficking and prostitution; as well as which side of the debate the administration agreed with. Under Clinton the debate focused mostly with feminists groups. Those who wanted to end sex trafficking but legalize prostitution and those who wanted to end sex trafficking and criminalize prostitution. Under Clinton, the anti-prostitution groups won the debate as they gained administrative support and legislation. Under Bush the debate was also between legalizing or criminalizing prostitution, however, the main players were the evangelical religious groups. The debate also escalated to include whether or not the demand should be criminalized as well. Sex worker rights groups did not want to criminalize the demand because it would decrease business for sex workers who consent and are trying to make a living. While anti-prostitution groups wanted to criminalize those who bought commercial sex, as it lead to increase demands for sex trafficking as well.

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