"Tweet your Anxiety Away: Social media as an aid in the treatment of So" by Samantha Baca

Date of Submission

Spring 2012

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sarah Ketay

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Individuals with Social Anxiety face an impairing disorder in which they fear personal embarrassment and negative judgments of others on the self, leading to the avoidance and fear of certain social interactions. With the currently increasing cultural movement towards the use of the internet and social media, it is important to address the possibility of incorporating social media into the treatment of psychopathology. In my project, I ask how psychologists can take advantage of recent developments of social media and the internet to facilitate and motivate socially anxious individuals. With the purpose of reviewing existing literature on the use of the internet in the treatment of social anxiety and the potential benefits of social media, I create a hypothetical and innovative early intervention model of treatment incorporating the use of social media in the treatment of adolescents with social anxiety.

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