"The Role of the QIDP Designation in Combatting Antibiotic Resistance" by Jack K. La Piana

Date of Submission

Fall 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Gabriel Perron

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Antibiotic resistance is creating a public health crisis in infection-management and threatens human lives and healthcare systems. Current antibiotic development is insufficient to meet the global need for new drugs, which will continue to increase as antibiotic resistance in human pathogens becomes more frequent. To stimulate the antibiotic pipeline, the FDA introduced the QIDP designation, an incentive for pharmaceutical companies to develop new antibiotics which treat the most deadly infections (caused by the most widely resistant bacteria). Efforts like the establishment of the QIDP designation must be monitored to ensure that they are leading to the development of effective drugs which overcome resistant organisms and do not encourage the development of resistance among the bacteria they treat. An analysis of the effect of the QIDP designation on the antibiotic landscape which considers efficacy and resistance-promotion has not yet been performed. In this study, I performed a literature review to compare the efficacy of QIDP and non-QIDP drugs, and used the SENTRY resistance database to compare the resistance-promotion trends of QIDP and non-QIDP drugs. I found evidence that QIDP drugs are more effective than non-QIDP drugs, as in certain patient subpopulations in the treatment of certain diseases (complicated intra-abdominal infections and pneumonia), QIDP drugs were found to be significantly more effective than non-QIDP drugs. I also found that repurposed drugs (old drugs reformulated for use against novel pathogens under the QIDP designation) are significantly less resistance-encouraging than non-repurposed drugs but initially face increased resistance, indicating that the QIDP designation could be effective in encouraging new drug development techniques (reviewing old drugs for new uses). These limited analyses should encourage future scrutiny of drug-development program

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