"Why Did You Come to Study In the United States? Analysis of the Phenom" by Beitong Liu

Date of Submission

Fall 2022

Academic Program

Global and International Studies

Project Advisor 1

Peter Rosenblum

Project Advisor 2

Robert J. Culp

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The occurrence of Chinese students studying in the United States is becoming increasingly prevalent, and the factors that drive Chinese students to study abroad are changing with time. This senior project, after the explicit framework for the history and development of modern Chinese students studying in the United States. I use Push-Pull Factors to explore some of the important factors that influence Chinese students' decision to study abroad in the present day. For instance, I argue that significant internal Chinese push factors include the pressure of the gaokao, the education difficulties caused by the hukou, and the comprehensive service of Chinese study abroad agencies and that significant American pull factors include excellent educational resources in the United States, the recognition of American education in China, and an English language environment in the United States. This senior project will also examine the reduction in the number of Chinese students studying in the United States after the global spread of the Covid-19 virus. The senior project will conclude by discussing the brain drain in China due to the enormous number of Chinese students studying and staying in the United States and the government's response, as well as how the Chinese government encourages Chinese students to return home to work.

Open Access Agreement

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