"Under Occupation" by Peter Fergus Edelen O'Brien

Under Occupation

Date of Submission

Fall 2021

Academic Program

Film and Electronic Arts

Project Advisor 1

Ephraim Asili

Abstract/Artist's Statement

As light becomes the tool of control, we exist in a world of surveillance and visual manipulation, where art and communication are reduced to a commodity. The advent of cinema, with its ability to construct meaning through visual order, becomes the only current space where truth can be approached, as it allows for a structured reality that bridges the gap between abstraction and perception. Through the visual, we navigate a world governed by systems that obscure deeper connections, where the personal and the collective are both commodified. Ultimately, we live in an era where communication is reduced to a series of constructed images, unable to truly reflect the complexity of human experience, and the desire to be seen becomes entangled with the need for control, leaving us to grapple with a fractured sense of reality. "Under Occupation" attempts to address this fractured sense of reality.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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