Date of Submission

Fall 2021

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

George Tsontakis

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project combines solo performances of music on piano, collaborative playing/rehearsing, improvisation, and composition. In both parts of the project, I share my performances of François Couperin, J. S. Bach, Schubert, and Ravel, and include my own compositions alongside. I tackle certain pieces that lie within the ‘long eighteenth century’ and demonstrate how improvisation is an integral part of music-making for composers. I believe in order to fulfill my own desires as a musician, I need to develop my aptitude in multiple areas — performance, composition, improvisation, chamber music, etc. — in such a way that the practice of one furthers the excellence and enjoyment I can achieve in another.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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