Date of Submission

Fall 2019

Academic Programs and Concentrations

Literature; Foreign Languages, Cultures, and Literature

Project Advisor 1

Stephen Graham

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project explores how trauma and violence within immigrant and refugee narratives are preserved and embodied in the poetry and prose works of four Asian American writers, Li-Young Lee, Ocean Vuong, Cathy Park Hong, and Emily Jungmin Yoon. In this examination arises the question of how trauma from a historical event can be passed down to people who have not witnessed them firsthand, such as the children of war refugees. I argue that these works are written not solely with the intention to remain truthful to the informative or factual history of these inherited traumatic events, but rather, to preserve and shed light on the emotional impact of them through structural, narrative, and poetic techniques.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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