Date of Submission
Fall 2019
Academic Programs and Concentrations
Art History
Project Advisor 1
Tom Wolf
Abstract/Artist's Statement
This project is an attempt to understand the Chinese dress qipao in Republican China, with a primary concentration in Shanghai, and its associations with body politics, urbanscape, modernity, personal and national identity, and sociocultural practices. In particular, I argue that qipao, amongst other fashions of Republican China, had been one of the earliest examples of the modern expression of individuality through fashion in China; I strive to discover how this practice was enabled by its contemporary social environment as well as technological advancements.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.
Recommended Citation
Han, Qingxuan, "Qipao and Female Fashion in Republican China and Shanghai (1912-1937): the Discovery and Expression of Individuality" (2019). Senior Projects Fall 2019. 37.
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