Date of Submission

Fall 2013

Academic Program

Art History

Project Advisor 1

Susan Merriam

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In this senior project, I endeavor to compare three important architectural exhibitions, between the years of 1927 and 1937. These include the Deutscher Werkbund's Die Wohnung (the Dwelling) exhibit of 1927, the Stockholm Exhibition of 1930, and the 1937 Paris Exposition Internationale des Arts et Techniques dans la Vie Moderne (International Exposition dedicated to Art and Technology in Modern Life). I include criticism written in architecture magazines written during the Exhibition. I also include various interviews with important figures in the Exhibition's planning committee, specifically chief architect Gunnar Asplund. Then, I chronicle Die Wohnung, from the first papers drawn up describing the aims of the exhibit to its legacy. The 1937 Paris Exposition is analyzed third. In all three exhibitions, I compare legacy, architecture, and site planning. I conclude by summarizing some of the main points.

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