Date of Submission

Fall 2011

Academic Program

Classical Studies

Project Advisor 1

Benjamin Stevens

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The title of my senior project is from a line of Jackson Mac Low’s procedural erasure of the Cantos, Words nd Ends for Ez, a book I discuss in the last chapter. Mac Low’s chance procedure erased the original meaning (and shape) of Pound’s words, leaving only fragments unloosed from their parent word and forced to hug the left-margin. I chose this title precisely because the two key words in it lack any obvious meaning, because they only make sense when the reader’s imagination attempts to restore them to their original sense-context. Guesswork. I like that “truction” suggests both “destruction” and “construction,” but also the sonic elision of “of structon” into “obstruction.” Anyone who’s read Pound before understands the associations. “Erants” suggests both “errancy” and “errantry.” Erring Ezra, Ezra-Errant, nds of construction or destruction. All these possibilities in quasi-etymologies, ghosts of words haunting their original text. They ask that you put them back. I want to try.

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