The Mimesis of Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian, James Molloy
Shaping American Identity 1890-2008, Mariana Morales
Sub tegmine fagi: Landscapes of Augustus, Stephanie Morin
The Death of Philosophy: Making Something out of Nothing, Zoe Morris
Sarah Jacobson, Alana Moskowitz
It's A Nightmare Really: Contemporary Adaptations of the House of Atreus Story, and the Fulfillment of Justice., Katherine Motzenbacker
The Quantum Wheel, Shafat Mubin
Artistic Supremacy and the Pursuit of Power: The Mutually Beneficial Relationship of King Henry VIII and his Court Artist, Hans Holbein the Younger, Elizabeth Mullen
Recipes from My Grandmother, Elizabeth Munro
Gamersphere: Contemporary FPS gamer identity as constructed through language, discourse, and practice online, Erica Murray
Classification of Adinkra Graphs, Sylvia Naples
Tensions in Domesticity: The Temperance Portrait of a Victorian First Lady, Lucy Webb Hayes (1876-1881), Abigail Napp
Narrator as Witness: A Collection of Short Stories, Nikita Nelin
The Myth of White Superiority and the Origin and Maintenance of Power Using Science As a Political Tool, Morgan Nesbitt
Carbon County, Michael Newton
Heritage Tourism in a Small Town, Michael Newton
Developmental Effects: National Identity and Cultural Politics in Nepal, Nicole Nummelin
Pork, The Othered White Meat, Noah Odabashian
The Living Tradition of Lhamo, Quinn Olbrich
Fato Profugus, Andrew O'Neil
THE GAMMA BUZZ Integrating two Theoretical Models of Gamma Synchronization: Binding by Synchrony And The Gamma Cycle, Olga Opojevici
Personality as a Predictor of Peri and Post Traumatic Reactions, Robert Orf
Negotiations of Urban Space: Re-imagining the Contested City, Briana Orr
Can't Get Enough: Japanese Cultural Products and the Fans Who Love Them, Pamela Ossona
HORROR VACUI The Silence of "Las babas del diablo", Jeffrey Ozawa
"Paper Bullets:" World War I Posters and America's Visual Language of War, Sarah Paden
TOWARDS CHARRED PAPERS IN DARK SPACES an aquatic delineation of Arthur Rimbaud's poetic journey, Timothy Palma
Optimal Choices on the Environmental Sustainability of Industry A Case Story in the Eco-Conscious Technology Surrounding Microbrewing, Abigail Paris
The Fallen Heroines and the Body Politic Sexual Violence in the 1971 Liberation War of Bangladesh, Shaivalini Parmar
Mechanisms of Constructing and Disrupting the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands/La Frontera, Flora Pereira
House Of Cards: The Rise and Fall Of Long-Term Capital Management, Enron, and Bear Stearns, Asher Peretz
Nekuia: The Confirmation of the Epic Hero in the Odyssey and the Aeneid, Gabriela Perez
The Effect of Income Inequality and Residential Segregation on Infectious Diseases Transmission, Anh Pham
Automated Learning of a Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar for English, Vladimir Pick
Circumscribed Desires: An Analysis of the Construction of a Paradigm for Male Homosexuality in Late 20th Century Japan, Maxwell Platoff
Critique of Purity, Loren Pola
Factorization, SUSY QM, and Shape Invariance, Jacob Pooler
Submersion A Novel, Elias Primoff
A Generalization of Restricted n-Rotors from Knots to Graphs, Tomasz Przytycki
Legislation to Radicalization: An Analysis of the Effect of September 11th US Domestic Terrorism Policy, Anna Pycior
Women, Witches, and Magic: How the History of Witchcraft Shaped the Grimm Brothers' Kinder- unci Hausmarchen, Theodore Quinlan
Down Through the Sediment and Upward Towards Healing: Anselm Kiefer and the Rebirth of History Painting, Rebeka Radna
"Islamic Banks vs. Conventional Banks'', Khwaja Rahman
Music Made Visible: The Mathematics behind Chladni Patterns, Serena Randolph
Reincarnation and Community amongst the Druze of Mount Lebanon, Malek Rasamny
In Defense of the Fourth Amendment: Ensuring U.S. National Security and Protecting the Citizens' Right to Privacy in a World with International Terrorism, Maximillian Rasbold-Gabbard
Forbidden Fruit: A Social History of Black Currants in New York, Anya Raskin
The N2pc Component as an Index of Covert Visual Attention to Objects and Spatial Locations, Jonathan Raye
stand in this Lotus Heart Understanding the Modern Image of Kālī through the Devīmāhātmya and Śyāmā-Saṅgīta, Arianna Reagan
Dune's Edge: Understanding Anthropocentric Impact of Coastal Change on Cape Cod, Katherine Reed
Trauma, Memory, and Mourning: Commemorative Responses to September 11, Allison Reeves
Crossing Over: Structure and Chaos in Red Cavalry, Julia Roberts
Critical Exposure: Intent, Subversion, Reception, and the Challenge of Getting Outside Gallery Walls, Meredith Rosenbluth
Visual Innuendoes: A Feminist Exploration of Paintings by Lisa Yuskavage, Elizabeth Rosenfield
Manchuria and the Quest for Legitimacy: An Examination of Sovereignty in 20th Century Global Politics, Jordana Ross
Land Value Taxation as a Tool for Floodplain Management in New Orleans, Robert Ross
The Kind of Girl I Was Annabel & Love My Nene Taught Me, Brenda Rowe
The History of Hawaiian Land Reform and Its Impact on Current Conflicts over Land Use and Land Ownership, Cyril Ruthenberg
Le Rap Français: Modèle Américain, Tradition Française, Rachel Sander
Géza Róheim: Reclaiming the Freudian Unconscious for Anthropology, Andrea Sandor
The Chinese City in Space and Time: The Example of Chengdu, Samuel Sapirstein
Improving the Course Registration Experience: A web application to facilitate course selection and schedule building, Sphurti Saraph
Man is the Redeemer of Nature: An Ecological-Critical Interpretation of F.W.J Shclling's Ti-eatise Philosophical Investigations into the Essence of Human Freedom, Alex Savory-Levine
The Community Youth Investment Program: Justice Reinvestment in Deschutes County, Oregon, Henry Schenker
An Investigation of Inflationary Cosmology, Marjorie Schillo
Sex Without Fear: Stories, Hannah Schneider
The Bone Brigade, Adam Schroeder
Roseto: Identity of an Ethnic Town in America, Janet Schulze
From the Street to the Studio: Graffiti in New York City During the 1970's and 80's, Abigail Schwartz
The Efficacy of New York and Federal Tax Incentives on Promoting Renewable Energy Technology, Kyle Schwartz
Orientalism and the Myth Of Harem: A Case study of the Imperial and Domestic Harem, Melanie Schweitzer
Timing Response in Temporally Selective Networks, Mary Sharac
Investigation Into the Coupling Reactions of Thiophenes and Other Aromatic Substances., Nicholas Sharac
Allelic Diversity of Two Populations of, and Pheromone use in, Chinese Mantises (Tenodera aridifolia sinensis), Wyatt Shell
Thanatopoeia, Paul Shepard
The Field of Mental Health in a Lawless State: The Systematic Abuse of Psychiatry in Russia, Anna Shevel
From Patriot Song To Protest Song: Woody Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land", Philip Siblo-Landsman
"Lessons from the Country": Multicultural Discourse in Predominately White Rural Schools, Alison Sickler
From "Pickled Punks" to "the Last Yahf: the Circulation and Consumption of the Pathologized Human Body in Nineteenth Century America, Larkin Silverman
Fetal Conception: The Experience of Pregnancy in the Era of Fetal Personhood, Elyse Singer
Possessing Modernity: Kawanabe Kyosai*s Monstrous [Re]visions of Japan's Relationship With Modernization and the West, Sarah Singer
Freemasonry in Victorian America, Elizabeth Sinnett
FANTASIES/REALITIES/DISAPPOINTMENT: Examining the role of fantasy in Jean Genet's The Maids and The Balcony, Amaia Skerritt-Perta
Mountings and Meditation: Reflections on the Effects of Movement and Stillness on Inducing Altered States of Consciousness within Santeria and Zen Buddhism, EmmaGrace Skove-Epes
Serbia and Croatia at the Crossroads: Prospects and Implications of EU Membership, Aleksandar Skular
Desiring Natures Magic, Science, and the Discursive Economies of the Natural World, Robert Skypala
The Kin Have Fangs, Lydia Slavutin
Something from Nothing: Cage's 4 '33 " and the Proliferation of Noise, Henry Smith
The Effects of Maternal Depression on Child Development: A Story of Emotional Regulation and the Self, Lucy Smith
Levy-Bruhl and the Sociology of Thought: A Historical Interpretation, Nathan Smith
Prolegomena to Stone Without World: The Role of the Stone in Heidegger's Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics and Philosophy, Nathan Smith