OSUN Open Educational Resources
Document Type
Teaching Tool
Publication Date
The Growth Mindset Revolution is a manual for educators designed to support the development of a growth mindset culture within the perspectives of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and interculturality. As an in-service or pre-service educator in higher or technical education, one will find explanations, lesson plans, resources, videos, and podcasts with testimonials that will help you create pedagogical practices that encourage growth and development for your students. We invite you to use this guide as a reference in the field of teacher education and professional development and related areas, promoting a mindset transformation for a global network of educators.
Recommended Citation
Bibiana Garcia Cardona, Paula; Tejada Sanchez, Martha Isabel; and Ramirez, Martha, "The Growth Mindset Revolution" (2024). OSUN Open Educational Resources. 5.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.