Content Posted in 2017
ABRA: The Canvas, and the evil that men do., Daniel Louis Nielsen
Accustomed To Youth, Austin Reid Higgins
"A Child in Whom Death Dances Exultantly:" Scenes of Melancholia in Elias Khoury's Gate of the Sun, Alana May Pagano
Addressing Antibiotic Resistance From Farm-Raised Fish Imported To The United States, Nicholas Ali
A Decent Second Option, Ethan Samuel Levenson
A Drunken Odyssey: Comparative Translations of Nonnus and Homer, Horton Alexander Fisher
After The Crash-The Ground and the Sublime in the Works of Hito Steyerl and Trevor Paglen, Niall Gabriel Murphy
Against All Odds, I Universe You: Academic and Personal Perspectives on Facets of Queer Identity, Andre Santana
A Geography of Grief: An Exploration of the Significance of the Northern New Mexican Landscape in the Grieving process, Treska Lydia Stein
A Hole Cut Out from the World, Marita Carole Dancy
All the World's Ashamed, Peter David Lane
A Long History, a Modern Instrument, Alexander Kiladze
A Low-Cost, Feature-Based Color Threshold Selection Approach to Eye-gaze Tracking and a Basis For Gaze Interface, Vijay Pillai
A Metagenomic Analysis of a Streptomycin-Driven Dysbiosis on the Microbiome of Larval Zebrafish, Sydney A. Pindling
A Metagenomic analysis of weight gain in Zebrafish exposed to Amoxicillin, Naomi Verena Wieser
A Metagenomics Analysis of the Effects of Chlorine Upon the Microbial Communities Found in Sourdough Starters, Pearson J. Lau
A Metagenomic Study of Met52’s Effects on the Bacterial Microbiome, Matthew Rusling Lampeter
A Mexican Fairytale: The Fall of a Villain and its Perfect Dictatorship, Ana Victoria Valdes Salazar
'A Most Splendid Soldier': The Life of My Great-Grandfather Major General George Bruce, Orson Fry
An Agricultural and Climate Analysis of Kern County (CA, USA) and Fujian Province (China): Past, Present, and Future, Hannah Ferus
An Album in Electronic Music, Benjamin Paul Cohen
An Alternative Formulation for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, Stefan Stojanov
An Analysis of China’s Regional Emissions Trading System: Challenges and Lessons, Ronghui (Kevin) Zhou
An Analysis of the Fast Fashion Industry, Annie Radner Linden
Anatoly Lunacharsky & Narkompros in the Service of Experimental Art in Early Soviet Russia 1917-1929, Olivia Angelina Kennison
An Evaluation of Constituency-based Hyponymy Extraction from Privacy Polices, Morgan Caitlin Evans
A New Economic Paradigm: Household Debt-Driven Growth, Simon Simoski
An Examination of the Process Of Writing, Directing, Acting In, and Producing The Play Brothers, Dominica Purcell
An Exceptional Nation: Why the United States Lacks Universal Health Insurance, Sebastian Bernard Spitz
An Exploration of Stock-Flow Consistent Models: An Analysis of Fiscal Policy Effectiveness, Quinn Patrick McInerney
An Ghaoth a Chriofidh an Eorna: The Moral Economy of Ireland's Whiteboys, 1761-1787., Connor Bartlett McDermott
An Investigation into the Antinematodal Properties of Janthinobacterium lividum using Caenorhabditis elegans as a Model, Sophia Rose Konstantine
An Obsession Matched Intervention Improves the Facial/Emotional Recognition Deficit in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome, Aurora Claire Hoffman
A Novel Approach for Exploring the Effects of Fluoxetine on Xenopus laevis tadpole Feeding Behavior, Abiba Salahou
A Path of Stories Wrapped Around Itself: A translation and aesthetic reading of Guillermo Meneses’ short story “La Mano Junto al Muro”, Samuel Rotter Bechar
"A Perfect Labyrinth of Limitations": Confronting the Restrictions of Societal Roles in James Baldwin's Fiction, Natalie Sophia West
A Photograph Is Always Invisible, Flannery Ellen Harper
Aquaponics: An Exploration into the Future of Agriculture, Greig Fields
A Quest for Justice: Hannah Arendt and the Redeeming Power of Judgement, Angel Arias
Arctic Research Collaborations among Agencies: A Case Study Analysis of Factors Leading to Success within the Interagency Arctic Research Policy Committee, Meredith Clare LaValley
Are Immigrants The Next Great Appliance? The Effects of Immigration on Female Labor Force Participation, Logan Daniel Callahan
Artificial Intelligence Classical Music Composer, Chi Cao
Asian American Panethnicity in Politics: An Empirical Study of Financial Contributions and Donor Behavior by the AAPI Electorate in Congressional House Races, Kenichi Andrew Kaneda
As She Herself Might Have Told It: Relating Politics and Feminism as Method, Lillian Goldberg
A Street Photographer’s Toolbox: Techniques and Technologies in 20th Century American Street Photography, Jacey Cole Mossack
Attachment of Vibrio cholerae to Resistant Starches to Improve Oral Rehydration Therapy, Elizabeth Samuel Osborne-Schwartz
Audiovisual Synthesis, Wagnerian Influence, and the Power of Art in Politically Fraught Times as Exemplified by Ivan the Terrible, Part I, Alexander Kiladze
Basements, Benjamin Zelig Opatut
Ba Win, Ba Win
Ba Win and Pete Baumann, Ba Win and Pete Baumann
Before 'It' Happens Again: Identifying Financial Fragility in the Financial Sector, John Henry Glascock III
BEING SOFT IN A HARD PLACE: Fitness Culture, Basketball Courts, and the Potential of Moving Differently, Joanna Claire Warren
Beleaves, Shane Matthew McDonald
Belousov-Zhabotinsky: an Exploration of Filmmaking in the Digital Age, Bryce Parker
Bending Memories: A Meditation, Marcel Phillip Rudin
Beyond Homographies: Exploration and Analysis of Image Warping for Projection in a Dome, Kai Joseph Malowany
Beyond The Surface, Tamar Sandalon
Bill Dunbar, Bill Dunbar
Bird up!, Olivia Rothberg
Black Education Reform and Community Schools, Dariel Vasquez
Blasian and Proud: Examining Racialized Experiences Amongst Half Black and Half Japanese Youth in Japan, Helen Itsel Aracena
Breathe Et Al. (among others): An Experiment in Mass REassociation, Michael Joseph Kelly IV
Bridging Inequity Through Farmer’s Market Mobility: Food Access Barriers and Alternative Food Systems in Kingston, New York, Sophie Ferris D'Anieri
Butch? An Exploration of the Queer Community and Female Masculinity, A.J. Rio-Glick
By Order of the Author, Mason Manfred Sorokof Segall
Can't you eat the rind?, Isabella Rose Leung
Can We Keep It? - A Multimedia Exploration of Sleepover Culture, Anya Simon Kopischke
CAN WE KEEP IT? How to Make a Best Friend, Brynn Marie Gilchrist
Can You Feel Your Heart Beat? Exploring the Relationship Between Interoception and Suicide, Matthea Rile-Schmidt
Can You Hear the Roars of Autumn’s Wind? Discussing the Silenced Voice in An Qi’s Poetry, Rosemary Ruth Nelis
Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation: An Investigation of [2+2] Cycloadditions by Visible Light Photoredox Catalysis, Lisa Kaithland Burke
Carbon Stocks in Shade Coffee: Strategies for Enhancing Carbon Storage in Smallholder Systems in Jinotega, Nicaragua, Vanessa Katheryn Kichline
Catching a Glimpse: A Directorial Investigation & Collaboration on PROCEDURE TO EXIT AN ENCLOSED SPACE, JaQuan Keiandre Beachem
Categorizing Experience: Locke, Berkeley, and Wittgenstein on the Problem of Generalization, Elibba Dean
Cavalleria Rusticana: The Operatic Adaptation from Giovanni Verga to Pietro Mascagni, Xing Gao
CCOMIS: A Translation, Rachel Zhou
Cellular Mechanisms of Startle Response: a study of M-cells in the Xenopus laevis tadpole, Stefanie Rachel Walker
Censorship and Creative Freedom in Shostakovich’s Compositional Style: Music as a Tool for the State, or the Soul?, Matthea Rile-Schmidt
Chatting with Bots: A Quick Survey of Conversational Agents And Their Appropriate Applications, Maksim Kotov
Choose an Eye, Rebecca Eve Capper
Chung Sang-hwa in the scene of Dansaekhwa, Yeonjin Lee
Climate Change in the Hudson River Estuary: Promoting Adaptation and Resilience through Stakeholder Engagement in Design and Visualization, Gabrielle S.D. Weiss
Colombian Political Violence Through the Lens of Visual Metaphor: The Art of Juan Manuel Echavarría and Doris Salcedo, Olmo Luis Schnabel
Combatting the Core of Sexual Assault: Training Youth to Become Transformational Leaders in Sexual Assault Perpetration Prevention, Sage Marissa Warner
Community Detection for Counter-Terrorism, Patrick Michael Kelly
Comparative microbial flora study of tap water and bottled water in the United States using BOD protocol, Mengzhen Chen
Competing Theories of Pitch Perception: Frequency and Time Domain Analysis, Nowell Thacher Stoddard
Complex Semiclassics: Classical Models for Tunneling Using Complex Trajectories, Max Edward Meynig
Congratulations: You Just Won a Free Clinical Trial, Olivia Kooyman
Constructing a Novel Conjugate Vaccine for Cholera: Conjugation of a Protective Vibrio cholerae Virulence Factor to Dextran by Squaric Acid Chemistry, Jackson Fischer Barr
Constructing Maximum-Rotating de Bruijn Sequences Using their Necklace Trees, Oscar Hernandez
Content-Aware Image Resizing, Race Darwin Morel
Coronal Mass Ejections: A Study of Structure, Grant Parker
Corpus Delicti 1:11, Harriette Claire Slagle
Crude Magic: Spiritual and Perceptual Experiments in the Color Darkroom, Hugh Handakas Hopkins
Crystalline, Caroline H. Petty
Cut and Dried, Gaia Lena Raimondo
Danae Boissevain, Danae Boissevain
Dancing in the Public Eye: DIY Music and a Child's Discourse, Jacob Eli Merrell
Dark World It Yourself, Alexander Junius Adams
Death in the City of Light : The Culture of Death in Paris from the Middle Ages through the Nineteenth Century, Augusta Julia Klein
Death, Love Duty: A Therepeutic Triptych - written by Mouna Krupardini, Mouna Krupardini
Debt-Based Justice: Systematizing Human Valuation Through the Lens of Criminal Justice, Patrick Holmes
Decomposition of Sexual Orientation Wage Gap in Massachusetts and Alabama from 2001 to 2015, Shuhao Zhang MS
Deep End, Mayya Petrova
Degradation and Race in Anacristina Rossi's Limón reggae, Joseph Timothy Morgan Jr.
Delayed-Choice Quantum Eraser: The paradox of time-independent correlated measurements, Hyojun James Yu
Demonetization, the Movement to an Electronic Payments System and the inch towards Full Financial Inclusion in the Indian Economy, Satwik Srikrishnan
Denatured: Emergent realities of encyclopedic DNA elements, Amelia Leeya Goldstein
Design and Implementation of an Improved Android Application for Bard Shuttle Services, Chance O'Neihl Wren
Destroy the Audience: Unconventional Forms of Playwriting Pioneered by Women of Color, Zoe Hu
Development of Reliable Sampling Strategies to Detect Enterococcus on Impermeable Surfaces, Quanita Diana Kendrick
Diaspora as Nation: Examining the Transnational Mobility of Syrian Armenians during Wartime, Sosi Segal Lepejian
Dismantling the Illusion of Otherness: An Authorial Study of Lou Ye’s Spring Fever and Blind Massage, Ying Huang
Dismantling the Novelty and Mystery in Implicit Bias: A New Perspective, Ying Huang
(DIS)SOLUTION: An Exploration of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Through Video Games, Clara Derrick Gallagher
Distortion in Body Schema: The Influence of Body Fat and Mass on Perceptions of Personal Size, Katarina Ann Ferrucci
Does globalization enhance countries’ ability to combat human trafficking?, Yewen Zeng
Does it take a Village to Teach a Child? Lessons from Experiments in Education, Piyush Kuthethoor
Does Russia Love the Whip?, Maeve Emma McQueeny
Domination, Andrew Kunz
Dragons, Snakes, and the Men they Ate, Steven Josue Ricaurte
Dreams and Stories of the Common Child, Evan Lucas Pallor
Dreams Deferred: An Examination of the Experience of Downward Mobility Amongst the Black Middle Class, Harry A. Johnson Jr.
Dressing the Part: Robes and Revelations in Aeschylus' The Oresteia, Juliana Whittaker Capuco
Drink Coke. Don’t Steal Movies: A Queer in Pursuit of Laughter and Empathy, Ariel Violet Gillooly
Echoes of the Written Word: On the Difficulties of Memory and Belonging in W.G. Sebald's "Die Ringe des Saturn", Kaitlynn Theresa Buchbaum
Emily Dickinson "In Waters Green": Skepticism - Lexicography - Sublimity, Jonathan Martin Repetti
Employment and Economic Wellbeing of Single Female-Headed Households, Dwitiya Jawer Neethi MS
Environmental Migration From Egypt and Morocco: A Comparative Study, Mahir Ali Sheikh
Envy-Free Fair Division With Two Players and Multiple Cakes, Justin J. Shin
Equipartitions using Finite Fourier Analysis, Adrian Kaufman Gillerman
Essays on Inequality and Stagnation, Troy Alexander Ludtka
Establishing Public Banks to Address State and Local Government Fiscal Problems, Erind Disha
E Unibus Pluram: Alain Badiou and the Rebirth of Dialectical Materialism, Matthew Mautarelli
Evolution of Extracellular DNA (eDNA) Secretion in Bacillus subtilis, Miguel Ricardo Garchitorena
Evolution of Non-Objective Art in the Russian Avant-garde, 1900 to 1923, Jurriaan Elias Brugge
Examining Russia’s Three-pronged Legitimation Strategy in Syria, Denesh Kandiah
Excluded from Humanity: the Effects of Implicit Dehumanizing Views Toward Black Individuals in the Media, Joshua Velette
Executive Skills Training for Treatment of ADHD in Children, Veronika Igorovna Kokorina
EXODUS, Henry Lowell Cabot
Explorations of Darkness and Joy in Children’s Literature, Chloe Hull
Exploring the Effects of Temperature on the Growth and Antibiotic Responses of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Ann Marie Kissel
Exploring Tournament Graphs and Their Win Sequences, Sadiki O. Lewis
Fabricating Realness: Yinka Shonibare and Dutch Wax Print Textiles, Brandon David Acton-Bond
Facebook, Twitter, Gender: How Social Media Allows for Fragmentation of the Self in the Digitally Native Millennial, Clark Wolff Hamel
Facial Emotion Recognition Impairments in Subclinical Depression, Charles Hale Leighton
Far Along, Sarah Alicia deVeer
Fear and Force In The Cultural Revolution: The Power Of Mass Mentality, Johanna Marie Costigan
Feel. Look. Listen., Ihor Shuhan
Fibers Joining a Broken Lotus Root: An Exploration of Han Chinese Traditional Food and Agricultural Plant Knowledge, Wai Lun Lam
Field to Feedlot: How US Policy Promoted Cattle Concentration, Hannah Siegel Conley
Filiki Etaireia: The rise of a secret society in the making of the Greek revolution, Nicholas Michael Rimikis
Film No Longer Telling a Story; Film Itself as the Story: Reflexive Constructions in Alfred Hitchcock and Jean-Luc Godard, Amy Ertie Chabassier
Financial Institutions and the Global Farming Industry: the Impacts of Large-Scale Agricultural Investments Observed in Ethiopia, George William Goceljak III
Financialization of The United States Economy and the Effect on Small Firms and the Consumer, Bradford Christopher Cal Johnson
Fit to Print: Hudson’s Gentrification in the New York Times, 1985-2016, Nora F. Cady
Five Stars: Contemporary Review and Literary Discourse, Maxwell Louis Sims
Forget Me Not: Exploring the Rise of the Anti Immigrant Right through the Lens of Historical Anmesia, Eliana Lucia Koenig Accomazzi
Francis Whitcomb, '47 (BardCorps), Francis "Whit" Whitcomb
Freedom and Constraint in the Paintings of Francisco de Goya, Kennedy Jalen Fairfax
Free of Memory: The Importance of the Underworld to the Completion of the Archetypal Hero's Quest, Emily Rachel Payne
Friends, Lovers, Ideals: A Look at Sociality in Emerson, Luke R. Patterson
From a Youth to a Knight: A Study of Identity in Arthurian Romance, Lindsay Josephine Watson
From Here It Is a Patch of Silver, Caroline H. Petty
From Jonathan Edwards to Anne Truitt: Experiences of Space in American Culture, Kristen M. Schmitz
From Marital Chastisement to Intimate Partner Violence: Revising the Story of Domestic Violence in the United States, Sarah Elizabeth Bradford Petty
From Once Upon a Time to Happily Ever After: Grimms’ Fairy Tales and Early Childhood Development, Hannah McCarley
From the Fair Labor Standards Act to Individual State Minimum Wages: Measuring State Minimum Wages and Economic Performance, Adam Charles Carafotes
From the River to the Sea, Jordana Sylvia Nell Rubenstein-Edberg
From the Runway to the Museum: Commodity or Art? Fashion's Place in the Museum, Eryn Alexandra Coffield
Fundamentalism and Cultural Anxieties: Scott Lively and the Ugandan Christian Right, Wylie Milton Earp
g:, Taylor Lafe Cantrall
Gabriel and the Cave of Dreams, Hannah Madelene Richter Livant
Gender empowerment in the development economics literature: the language of choice, preferences and agency, Pranay Panday
Gender in Contemporary Iran in the Works of Abbas Kowsari, Domantas Karalius
Genevieve’s Light, Albertine’s Shadows; Apparitions in Marcel Proust’s 'In Search of Lost Time', Augusta Beatrice Hood
ghosts hum when they're lonely, Selena Rose Frandsen
Goethe’s Faust and Nineteenth-Century Music: Liszt’s Faust Symphony, Mengying Wei
Government and the Voiceless City: A Case Study on the Flint, Michigan Water Crisis and State-Community Relations, Arielle King
Go With the Flow: An Exploration of Distributed Network Flow for Robot Pathfinding, Marley Claire Alford
Graceful and Cordial Forests: A Computational Investigation of Graph Labelings, Feston Kastrati
GRAIN and Homecoming Veil, Henry Talmadge Birdsey
Growth, Aria Elizabeth Smith
Guru Nanak: Life, Lessons & Relevancy, Rajdeep Singh Dosanjh
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis, 7 points on page 1, the first is Full employment means investment, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis dated 18 April, The concentration upon..., Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis relating to an article in the Quarterly Journal of Economics, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled 1 Introduction, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Constraint and Normal Profit, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Consumption 1, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Efficiency, Monopoly - in determining rate of growth, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Financing 1, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Financing 1 1, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Increasing Costs, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Liabilities of a Firm, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Notes on Survival of Firms, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Policy Implications of Growth, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Statistical Material, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Summation of Theory Part 1, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled The Lazy Entrepreneur, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled The Nature of Dynamics, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled The Nature of Equilibrium in Economic Literature, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Thesis Chapter on Keynes & Pigou, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Thesis: What to do, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled The Theory of The Firm, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis with no title, Dynamics Theory, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Handwritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis without title, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Hannah Wilke and Reading Narcissism in Images, Kaitlyn S. Kester
happy, Joy Frances Risk
Harold Pinter and the Theatre of the Strange, Maxwell Garrard Green
Head Spaces, Caridad Jacqueline Cole
Here, Thinking, Nicolas Ocean Shannon
Hippotherapy and Therapeutic Horseback Riding: An Occupational Therapy Framework, Erin Wilkerson
Hitler's Germania: Propaganda Writ in Stone, Aaron Mumford Boehlert
Homebody, Margaret Melissa Bayard
“How to Follow Jesus for Life”: Reconstituting Youth as Ideal Christian Subjects in Short-Term Mission, Elizabeth Violet Boyd
How to Get Home From Here, Kristin Taylor Dishmon
How Will Chinese Film Survive? The Opportunities and Challenges of Contemporary Chinese Film in World Marketing., Kassidy Wang
Human Gumbo and all its Glory: taking a look at black culture and mardi gras indians in the face of erasure, Jayde Tyranique Davis
Human Stress Affects Indoor Aerosol Microbial Communities, Haley Goss-Holmes
Hybrid Lithography in SU-8: A Masked-Based Photolithography and Direct Laser Writing Technique, Garrett Michael Clifton
I COUNTED ON THEM, Jenna Rose Hathaway
Identifying Atlanta: John Portman, Postmodernism, and Pop-Culture, August McIntyre Dine
Ideological Infection in Dostoevsky's "Demons", Sam Joshua Reed
i know i exist because, Eliza Mae Mozer
Image of Yoga: Instagram, Identity, and Western Imagination, Brigid Nell Boll
Imagined England: Readers and Writers in the Twelfth to Fourteenth Centuries, Justin Adam Tobey
Immigrants in America: The Relationship Between Acculturation and Well-Being, and the Validation of Self-Report as a Measurement Tool, Bolivia Ray Williams
Improving Bacterial Ear Infection Diagnostics with an Image Classification Algorithm, Wanying Li
I'm still a boy, William Nathaniel Simon
(In)Authenticité: De Brûler à la Manière de la Glace, Elizabeth Jane Israel
Indeterminable Futures: Unravelling Modern Identity & National Space in PostColonial India 1947-1980, Shireen Khan
(In)Hospitable: Refugees as "Guests" in Germany Today, Rebecca Jade LaPoint
Injustice In the Water: Uncovering the Flint Water Crisis, Katherine Sopko
[Insert Shitty Pun Here]: A Socio-Biological Analysis of the Composting Toilet as a Feasible Alternative to Conventional Human Waste Management Technologies, Jenifer Morgan-Davie
Interview with Nancy Bonvillain, Nancy Bonvillain
In the Footsteps of our Ancestors: Language and Legacy in the Hebron settlements, Jordana Sylvia Nell Rubenstein-Edberg
Investigating the Behavioural Response of Captive Common Marmosets (Callithrix jacchus) to the Introduction of a Novel Foraging-Enrichment Device, Martie Ilena Stothoff
"It's [Not] Only Lines On Paper, Folks!": The Curious Literary Identity of the Graphic Novel, Oona Blood Cullen
it takes a long time to move, Issy Marie Cassou
Japan's Reemergence As a Military SuperPower: Assessing The East Asian Security Dilemma, Fabrice M. Prepetit
Joining the Heroides: An Introspective Look into What It Means to Be an Artist When Life Happens, Told in Three Parts and Two Plays, Kaelyn Brandt
Ju!ce, Mark Anthony Mannara
Kanojo Ni Naru Hi, Hanni Xie
Landscapes which are actually words., Ella Kit Vandergaw Scott
Land Trust Response to Renewable Energy Siting Challenges in New York, Collin David Adkins
La République du français: la ré-appropriation de la langue française en Algérie et dans le monde francophone à l’époque post-coloniale, Claire Cranford Worsey
Laser Ultrasound-Guided Biopsy Needle Aid: Biopsies made simple, Payal Rana
“Led by the nose”: An Examination of Mythic, Political, and Personal Transformations in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats, Sophie Cornelia Gallant Green
Liberate or Assimilate? A Comparative Study of Post-Transition LGBT Activism in Spain and Russia, Austin Jay Lehn
Light in the Darkness: An Analysis of the Design and Creation of MAIDS, Anna Drew Garrett-Larsen
"Light Silence Dark Speech": Samuel Beckett, Jasper Johns, and the Image-Text Distinction, Isabella Rose Leung
Lime juice as an abundant and affordable mechanism for food borne cholera infection, Cassandra Savino
Little Creatures: Samuel Beckett and the Language of The Unnamable, Adam Daniel Brown
Look at Where You Listen: A Study of Commercial Music and Mediation, Thomas Walton Moore
Love Poems for Photographs and Other Writings, Erin Francis O'Leary
Maids: A Resurrection Of Forgotten Women, Isabel Catherine Bennett
Maids: A Retelling of a Retelling of "The Odyssey", Emma Katharine Webster
Mainstreaming Gender: The Influence of Women's Networks on Prosecuting Sexual Violence at the International Criminal Court, Jessica Maryanne Zaccagnino
Making the Male Manager: Can Non-Cognitive Skills Explain the Glass Ceiling?, Nora Paget Harrington
Managing Motherhood Online: Authority, Assemblage, and Fetal Personhood, Juliet Rose Mallouk
maryland, i still love you but we're breaking up, Kevin Francis Hickey
Material Politics of the Bicycle, Joshua David Rotbert
Maximal Quantum Effects Outside A Spinning Black Hole: An Exploration Of The Kerr Metric, Victoria Minerva Chayes
Media and the Shooter Bias: Investigating the Relationship Between Implicit Racial Biases and News Coverage, Matthew Charles Phelps
Meet Meat: The Consumption, Appropriation, and Ritual of Art Utilizing Meat as a Medium, Olivia Kravetz
Memorializing Absence: The Ambiguous Place of Holocaust Legacy in the Memorials, Countermemorials, and Museums of Berlin, Avery Matthew Mencher
Method can be Madness: "Mrs.Dalloway" and its unique take on madness and sanity, Jessica Leslie Boyd
Mexican Nationalism in Ignacio Manuel Altamirano’s Clemencia, Josue Efrain Pontaza
Michael Faraday’s “Lines of Force” and the Role of Heuristic Models in Early Electromagnetic Field Theory, Nicolas Sandy Engst Matthews
Miles Taylour Senior Project, Miles Taylour Sweeny
Miracle on 84th Street, House Dow
Miranda: An Exploration of The Tempest, Lauren Michelle Russo
Modeling purple sea urchin and California sheephead populations in southern California kelp forests, Olivia Rachel Williams
Modernization Losers, Political Winners: Assessing the Role of the Declining Position of Labor in Right-Wing Electoral Successes Across Western Europe, Eva-Marie C. Quinones
Money Power in Politics, Jonathan Peterson Fisher
Mother India Rolls Up Her Sleeves: Women's Labor and Intrahousehold Bargaining Power in Kerala and Tamil Nadu, Jesse Mishra
Mouse vs. Machine: The Game, Cafferty Aiko Frattarelli
Musical and Visual Representations of Gray Codes, Michael Chang
Narrating Arcosanti: A Utopian Project Considered Through its Representations, Duncan William Routh
Naturalized Women and Womanized Earth: Connecting the Journeys of Womanhood and the Earth, from the Early Modern Era to the Industrial Revolution, Maggie Rose Berke
Natural Language in a Constructed World, Meghan Molinari
New Road: An Original Recorded Album and Film Installation, Stephen Hager
New York to Hollywood: Advertising, Narrative Formats, and Changing Televisual Space in the 1950's, Peter McCormack
Nitrate Loading in the Saw Kill Watershed: small watershed nutrient dynamics, answering a community question, and assessing methodological approaches, Marco Sebastian Spodek
Noble Robbers: The Theatricality of Terrorism in the Northern Caucasus, Lia Christina Russell
"Nobody knows me I speak the night": A Translation of Alejandra Pizarnik's Poetry, Lydia Merriman Herrick
No Time for Flowers, Eleanor Sarah Montgomery
Nutrition, Thrift, and Metabolism: The Transgenerational Effects of Maternal Diet on Danio rerio, Marisol Imani Dothard
Observations on the Nature of Translation: El murmullo de las abejas, Gerardo Fuentes
Of Merce and Men: Dancing American Mediocrity, Anna Therese Witenberg
On Elegance, Form, and Function: Exploring the Nexus Between Scientific Research and Movement Research, Naja N. Gordon
On Elegance, Form, and Function: Exploring the Nexus Between Scientific Research and Movement Research, Naja N. Gordon
One Night With Emily, Jay Sheng Ting Fung
One-Photon Direct Laser Writing Lithography and the Memory Effect., Labeeby Servatius
One Thousand Guinea Pigs, Martie Ilena Stothoff
On Euthanasia, Maxwell Charles Babigian
Only Mostly Dead: Battlefield Medicine through American History, Rhiannon Gabriel-Jones
Orpheus' Poesis: Internal Narration in Book 10 of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Ivan Rothier Ditmars
Ostinato My Ass: Finding a Voice in the 21st Century, Richard Luke Koenig
Overlook Mountain, Zev Matthew Fogelman
Paper Rad: Kid Camp, Vincent John Siciliano
Pericles Revived: Proposing Citizen Payments for Social Media Usage, Alexander Jason Breindel
Pete Baumann, Pete Baumann
PIERCE, Benjamin Peter Adams-Keane
Plasma Striations in Vacuum Chambers, Loren Hamilton Jackson
Pleasure Garden, Vanessa Marie Kotovich
Plus One, Sofia Marta Ortiz
Policymaking in the 2007 – 2008 Financial Crisis: How and Why Policymakers Subverted the Public’s Interest, Samuel Jesse Longenecker
Pop, Lock, and Bach it/ The Places I've Been, Hannah Madelene Richter Livant
Pores Poorly Poured, Ori Guy Carlin
Portraits of the Most Sane, David Leonard Mamukelashvili
Poser, Sage McGrail Elder
Potentially Pathogenic: The Classification and Examination of Environmental Vibrio Isolates Sampled from Water Sources Along the Gulf Coast and the Bahamas., Dynte Mechile Moore
Prayer Beads and Red Scarf: Projecting Shangrilazation in Modern Tibet, Yueming Chen
Privatizing the Green Line: Solidere and the Postwar Development of Downtown Beirut, Jacqueline Michelle Merrill
Problems With Using Statistics to Justify Institutional Policies, Justin Shin
Procedure to Exit an Enclosed Space: A Story in Six Parts, Brigid Nell Boll
Procedure to Exit an Enclosed Space: The Evolution of the Pussy Cat, Rebecca Nicole Glasbrener
Producing Meaningful Work: An in-depth Study of Domestic Workers and Stratified Reproduction, Leigh Marie Taylor
Progress Towards Microscopic Photochemical LAser Traced Electrodepositing (μPLATE), Eric James Will
Proof, Rebecca Michelle Ganellen
Proposed Intervention to Improve Recently Immigrated Hispanic Adolescents' Academic Performance and Psychological Well-Being, Samantha Lagville-Graham
Propterty, Propertied, Propertyless: The Land Retention Crisis and Cultural Renaissance, Autumn Monet Rivers
Protocadherin10 in Danio rerio mechanosensory hair cell development and planar cell polarity, Sanh Hun Kim
Public Discourse and the Securitization of Conflict, Gilda Raizel Edelman
Public Perception of Environmental Programs in the Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, Landa de Matamoros, Queretaro, Mexico, Danielle Marie Salisbury
Putting Microaggressions under the Microscope: Examining the short-term effects of microaggressions in a college classroom, Glenisha Keiara Givens
Quantifying the Effect of The Shift in Major League Baseball, Christopher John Hawke Jr.
Questioning Authority: An Exploration of Montaigne and Borges, Keith Warren Roscoe
Random Walks on Thompson's Group F, Sarah C. Ghandour
Random Walks on Thompson's Group F, Sarah C. Ghandour
Rascals to Wise Men: Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Emancipatory Education, Isabella Dempsey Wilcher
Rauschenberg's Journey to Dante: Or How to Keep a Clean Head, Maxwell Ian Eric Barnes
Reading and Translating Miyazawa Kenji: An Anthology of Short Stories, Nicholas Chang
“Realists of A Larger Reality” Conceptualizing Creative Possibilities That Couldwork in Expanding Contemporary Human Rights, Amanda J. Beckley
Recognizing the Interdependent Self: The Perception of the Production and Consumption of Meat at Bard College, Avery Evelyn Brown-Cross
Recovered Styles, Lucas Lambert Henry
Reduction Ad Absurdum (or About Freedom), David Leonard Mamukelashvili
[Re] Encountering the Painted Look: Poetics of the Portrait, Rebecca Cosenza
Refining the Wealth Effect: A Macroeconomic Approach, Christopher Anthony Andia
Reframing the Ofrenda, An Analysis of Material Culture through the Death Cult of Mexico, Xochitl Tarcila Salazar
Remembering Elsewhere, Amelia Ernestine Walsh
Remittance Securitization as an Alternative Source of Finance for Cuba, Oscar Valdes Viera MS
Remnants of the Bodice Ripper: How Consent is Characterized in Heterosexual and Lesbian Erotic Romance Novels, Audrey Miles Malloy
René Biber, René Biber
¿Repita, Por Favor? An Exploration of the Challenges Faced by Spanish-speaking Students and Families in Massachusetts, Hannah Lienhard
“REPORT ALL OBSCENE MAIL TO YOUR POSTMASTER” Reading, Institutions, and the American Public, Post-revolution and 1965, Connor Christopher Boehme
Representations of the African Diasporic Experience in Afro-Caribbean Poetry, Emely Paulino
Resilience Theory in Climate-Based Agriculture Development Projects: Useful Framework or Popular Buzzword?, Rebecca Ann Chillrud
Resistance in the Shadow of the Giant: Bandwagoning and the Importance of Identity in the Foreign Policy of Central Asian States, Nathaniel Edward Matala
Rethinking Palestinian Refugee Communities in Pre-War Syria and the Right of Return, Eliza Wincombe Cornwell
Rethinking Reddit: A Novel Hybrid Recommendation System, Spencer Kee
Revolution Through Disillusion: Heiner Müller’s Die Umsiedlerin and the Enactment of Socialism in the East German Countryside, Luke Thomas Harrington
right place\Wrong Time (xeriscaping the 405, exit the LA river), Andrei Taru Kvapil
Rivkele: A Feminist Translation and Analysis of Sholem Asch’s גאָט פון נקמה, Molly McGowan
R O T A T I O N S, Madeline Gwenyth Hopfield
Rustic Roots and Fiddle Hell: An Ethnography of Fiddle Camps in the Northeastern United States, Flannery Blanchard Brown
Salvador Fellini Presents: A Most Unfortunate Combination, Alejandro Alberto Castro
Second Helpings, Teddy Daniel Trocki-Ryba
Seeing as Ceaseless Seeings: Methodology in Artworks of Dinh Q. Lê and Young-Hae Chang Heavy Industries and the Rhetoric of the Kyoto-School Thinkers, Tyuki Bhati Imamura
Seeping Through, Ying Jing Zheng
s e l f / p o r t r a i t, Mary Anastasia Eagle
Senior Concerts I and II, Luke R. Patterson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hyojun James Yu
Senior Thesis Proposal, House Dow
Senior Thesis Proposal, Sara Aboobakar
Senior Thesis Proposal, Tony Alexander
Senior Thesis Proposal, Kaelyn Brandt
Senior Thesis Proposal, Virginia Cassel
Senior Thesis Proposal, Michael Chang
Senior Thesis Proposal, Yueming Chen
Senior Thesis Proposal, Rebecca Cosenza
Senior Thesis Proposal, Elibba Dean
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hannah Ferus
Senior Thesis Proposal, Avonlea Fisher
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ligaya Franklin
Senior Thesis Proposal, Rhiannon Gabriel-Jones
Senior Thesis Proposal, Aidan Go
Senior Thesis Proposal, Lillian Goldberg
Senior Thesis Proposal, Stephen Hager
Senior Thesis Proposal, Naomi Harris
Senior Thesis Proposal, Oscar Hernandez
Senior Thesis Proposal, Zoe Hu
Senior Thesis Proposal, Chloe Hull
Senior Thesis Proposal, Regan Humphrey
Senior Thesis Proposal, Spencer Kee
Senior Thesis Proposal, Arielle King
Senior Thesis Proposal, Maksim Kotov
Senior Thesis Proposal, Andrew Kunz
Senior Thesis Proposal, Wai Lun Lam
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jonathan Levinson
Senior Thesis Proposal, Wanying Li
Senior Thesis Proposal, Hannah Lienhard
Senior Thesis Proposal, Christina Lothrop
Senior Thesis Proposal, Molly McGowan
Senior Thesis Proposal, Meghan Molinari
Senior Thesis Proposal, Jenifer Morgan-Davie
Senior Thesis Proposal, Isabel O'Donnell
Senior Thesis Proposal, Bryce Parker
Senior Thesis Proposal, Grant Parker
Senior Thesis Proposal, Vijay Pillai
Senior Thesis Proposal, Anna Poplawski
Senior Thesis Proposal, Dominica Purcell
Senior Thesis Proposal, A.J. Rio-Glick
Senior Thesis Proposal, Andre Santana
Senior Thesis Proposal, Ihor Shuhan
Senior Thesis Proposal, Erin Wilkerson
Sentimentality Has its Place in Human Rights Activism: Nadia Murad Basee Taha’s Testimony and The Yazidi Story, Miranda Rose Shulman
Sex Work, Drugs, and Decriminalization: Toward a Politics of Harm Reduction, Avonlea Fisher
ShapeShifter Programmatic geometric modelling made simple., Ishan Guru
“Shutting Her Up:” An Exploration of the Madwoman and the Madhouse in Victorian Literature, Savannah Jane Bachman
Simulacrum and Post-Dictatorship Representation of Violence in Argentina: Translation and Critical Reading of Eduardo Pavlovsky’s Paso de Dos, Liliya Alexandrovna Galenkova-Riggs
Sins, Omissions, and Alibis, Johanna Marie Costigan
Sister, Mother, Daughter, Friend: An analysis of Solidarity and Womanhood in Tracy Brown's "White Lines", Latika Juanita Price
Slack Tide and Other Stories, Kelsey L. Johnson
Sleeping Giants, Amelia Jane Maggio
Slipping Backwards, Sara Ellen Nishimura
Small Landholders Battle the Leaf Folder: Improving Livelihoods in the Solomon Islands, Dalia Tayseer Najjar
Small Vanities, Alexander Weinstock
Snake Eyes, Abigail Rose Freaney
Soft Underbellies, Erin Francis O'Leary
So Many (No Need) Choices, Micah Thomas
Spaces of Reality: Tsai Ming Liang and Re-Thinking Identity, Kyra G. Middeleer
Spell for the Lost, Branford Hayes Walker
Starting a War: Neoconservatism, Human Rights Rhetoric, and the Push to Democratize Iraq, Dylan Edward Long
State-Led Approaches to Electronic Waste Management in the U.S.: A Study of Stakeholder Involvement in Take-Back Legislation Efficiency, Ashley Elizabeth Westgate
Stopped Before Beauty: Meditations on the Closed Door, Hannah Celia Harwell Fassett
Stories That I've Heard Before, Matt Balik
Storm Room, Adea Rivers Lennox
Strange Encounters: Four Stories of God, Silence, Loss, and Cougars, Charles Emanuil Noyes
Stream: An Exploration of Jazz Music, Joshua John Torvi
Sue Farnum, Sue Farnum
Summoning the Sacrifice, Leesa Stanion
Sum Tzu and the Mathematics of War: A Predictive Assistant for Warhammer 40,000, Ben Kalmin Newman
Syndromes, Jack Balthazar Barham
Synthesis Of Violacein For Solid Phase Investigation: Preparation Of The 5-Hydroxymethylindole Reagent, Jeremy David Kaplitt
Tainted Ideals: The Rise and Fall of the Tupamaros, Jennifer Ann Dufau
Targeting the Human Estrogen Receptor with β3 Peptides Derived from S100P to Inhibit the Metastasis of Breast Cancer, Ashley A. Pica
Tenderize, Graylen Rose Gatewood
The Aesthetics and Politics of Colonial Penal Systems in Kafka and Mirbeau, Julia Ann Marx
The Alchemy of Brand, Walker Bockley
The Art of Suffering: Suffering as an aesthetic phenomenon in Friedrich Nietzsche’s The Birth of Tragedy, Samuel Rotter Bechar
The Backseat Drivers of a Nation: The Impact of Western Interests on Modern Iran, Jonathan Levinson
The Black Women Anti-Defamation Coalition: A Proposal for the Remediation of the Negative, Controlling Images of Black Women, Shemar Antonio Taylor
The Bodies In This Room Are All Yours: Mr. and Mrs. BridgeHampton & Subterranean Home Installation, Maddie Gwenyth Hopfield
The Book of Embraces: A New Translation, Olivia Eva Righetti Goldberg
The Chechen War through the Eyes of its Victims: A Translation and Analysis of Documentary Writing on the Second Chechen War, Sidney Balaban
The City After: Crises in Contemporary New York Narratives, Rachel Peri Papert
The Cliff, Beatrice Ann Wedd
"The Comal of Your Desire": Examining Representations of Isthmus Zapotecas through the Poetry of Natalia Toledo, Maya Beckman Sommer
The Co-Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistance and Virulence in the Opportunistic Pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Daniella Azulai
The Curation of Worldviews, Jason Toney
The Devil Figure in Goethe, Boito, and Gounod, Shuang Yang
The Disciple: A Talking Platformer, Benjamin Sernau
The Document of Film Politics, Aesthetics, and the Production of Value, Isabel O'Donnell
The Dog in the Middle Ages, Luisa Barbano
The Effect of Conspecific and Heterospecific Soil Feedback on Seed Germination, Emma Nicholson Kelsick
The Effects of Autobiographical Growth Narratives on Math Performance in Women, Eva Briana Frishberg
The Effects of Multisensory Integration on the Behavior of Xenopus laevis Tadpoles, Molly McQuillan
The effects of nicotine exposure and withdrawal on aggressive behaviors of male Betta splendens, Feiyang Qian
The Effects of Where You Grew Up on your Future Opportunity, Christopher Josiah Lockwood
The [E]motionless Body No Longer: Tracing the Historical Intersections of Mental Illness and Movement in the American Asylum, Holly Adele Herzfeld
The Endless Tragedy: Euripides and Camus, Robert Ian McMahon
The Erasure of Culture through Education: Richard Henry Pratt's Pedagogy and the Figure of the 'Displaced Indian' in American Indian Literature, Zohra Abdulgader Almagri
the even passage of the sun, Terrence Suraj Arjoon
The Executive Branch’s Power in the Drone Program: Why the United States Needs a Drone Court, Mark William Leonhard Jr.
The Expectation for the Center of Mass of Finite Integer Grids, Finnegan Maximilan Muller Hardy
The Family Arcane, Caridad J. Cole
The Folks on the Hill, Cecilia Emily Kaplan
The Genomic Characterization of Oxalobacteraceae Isolates from the Hudson Valley region: A Proposed Genomic Pipeline, Kelsey Ann O'Brien
The Holy Ghoul and Lalla: Bhakti and Medieval Poetics, Ella Kit Vandergaw Scott
The Insectivore's Dilemma: An assessment of the potential impact of red-backed salamander predation on tick populations, Virginia Ida Caponera
The Japanese New Wave: A Story of Furious Youth, Huizhong Huang
The Language of Dystopia, Sidney Woodson Peery
The Legitimate State: Pride, Compassion, and Self-Representation, Miles Davidson MacNaughton Cree
The Library in Literature, Hannah Madelene Richter Livant
The Longevity of Religious Terrorist Organizations, William John Hughes
The long term efficacy of stimulant treatment in executive functioning and emotional regulation in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Kaitlyn Noel Mock
The Manor House: A Novel, Cleo Rose Egnal
The Middle Income Trap and Industrial Policy: A Study of Their Linkage and Experience in China, Tianfu Ren
The New, the Old, & the Unknown: Two Themed Concerts Highlighting Unfamiliar Works, Labeeby Marie Agatha Rosnia Servatius
The New Woman: An Age of Revolution Through the Eyes of Twentieth Century Chinese Women Writers, Lisa Kaithland Burke
The Origins of the Chinese Communist Party’s Early Marriage Laws, Yuan Yuan
The Phallic Woman: A Reexamination of the Problematics of Women and Surrealism, Adrienne Anne Chau
The Physicist - Philosophers: The Legacy of James Clerk Maxwell and Herrmann von Helmholtz, Peter Skiff
The Polyrhythms of the Ear Canal: Investigating the Human Body as an Instrument and Listening Machine Inspired by Hearing, Attention, and Alvin Lucier, Philippa Ruthe Kelmenson
The Predictive Power of the Yield Curve in the Low Interest Rate Environment, Nanshan Xu
The Price of Personhood in War, Bach Tuong Tong
There and Now, Tinghua Huang
The Rebus of the Self: A Post-Hegelian Approach to Work, Language, and Representation, Sean Pozzi Popermhem
there is no drain, Boothe Carlson
The Resurrection of the American Road Film: An Analysis of American Honey, Caroline Lee Currin
The role of cadherin Fat2 in zebrafish hair cell development and planar cell polarity, Victoria Leigh Palfini
The Role of the CIB1 Protein in Mechanosensory Hair Cell Development and Regeneration in Danio Rerio, Pola Kuhn
The Sea Comes Back, Lila Taylor Dunlap
The Search for Mal'cev Terms over Finite Quandles, Meghan Hogan
The South Bronx: Exploring the Critical Role of Neighborhood Attachment in Education, Financial Security, and Aspirations, Sabrina Sultana
The Stability of a Unipolar World Revisited, Grady Michael Nixon
The State and the Citizenry; Internalized Discipline in Asad’s Authoritarian Syria, Sana Ali Mustafa
The State and the People: Human Rights in Russia's Apolitical World, Benjamin Richard Lorber
The Subjugation of Black Women: California and New York’s Legal Genocide, Ligaya Franklin
The Thick Black Line, Alexandra Margaret Moye
The Timely Pursuit of Eternal Unknowing, Denis Naum Blumin
The Transformation of Material Things, Robert M. Crane
The War on Terror: And the Erosion of the Democratic Imaginary, Maximilian Randall Perkins
The Waters I Saw Drank Me In, Will Steen Strand
The Way of the Person, Ani Rebecca Schroeter
The Woodstock Artists Association: Synthesizing the Modern and Traditional, Sondra Elizabeth McGill
The World is Breathing, Olivia Anna Crumm
The Worth of Aura in the Work of Fine Art Publishing, Alexander Kunin Bacon
They-See-(desi)-Mac-N-Cheese, Emily Parks Claypoole
They-See-(Desi)-Mac-N-Cheese: A Conversation to Make the Invisible Visible, Satwik Srikrishnan
Thin Blue Seam, Sebastian Anton-Ojeda
This Kind of Love, Juliana Tango Schiffer
Three Takes on the Antigone: Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Heidegger, Eugene Bata
Tiny Weatherman: Examining Behavioral Changes in Pogonomyrmex occidentalis in Response to Seasonal Changes, Tony Alexander
Titleless Home, Rigzin Wangyal
To Encourage an Improvisational Exploration – Foundations and Ornamentation, Zachary JM Whalen
Together We’ll Make Magic: Exploring the Relationship Between Empathy and Literature Using Ruth Ozeki’s “A Tale for the Time Being”, Janet Lindsay DiNozzi-Houser
To Nudge or Not to Nudge: Promoting Environmentally Beneficial Behaviors, Emma Jean Cooper
Toward a Black Radical Revival, Natalie Marie Desrosiers
To Will an End: Outliving Sexual Violence and State Sovereignty, Anna Poplawski
Transformations & Light Bloom, Natasha Killaura Boyd
Transmitting Power: Radio and Organization in Maoist China, Simon Cooper
Truth in the abstract and in the particular, Eric Anderson Bleys
Tucan Diet, Alex Paul Koditschek
Tucan Diet Lies, Self-Reflection, and Choice, Leilah Katherine Franklin
Two concerts in Classical Voice, Muir Eliot Ingliss
Two-Dimensional Messiah: The Cartoon Aesthetics of Totalizing Capital and Fragmented Selfhood, Virginia Cassel
Two Essays on the Stability of the Auto Lending Market, Sam Martin Grumet
Two Topics in Astrophysics: Exoplanetary Gravitational Microlensing and Radio Interferometry, Eleanor Sara Turrell
Typewritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled Financing 1, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Typewritten Notes for Minsky's PhD Thesis titled IDEAS, Hyman P. Minsky Ph.D.
Type Z, Zazie Elena Ray-Trapido
Undertow - A Collection of Short Stories, Phoebe Tess Present
Unpacking The Dumb Waiter: A Character Analysis and Personal Reflection, Harrison Sebring Forman
Unpopular History: An Examination of Protests in Japan, Hayden Zahn
Unraveling the Origins of Blue Jeans in American Fashion: The Significance of the Denim Costume on Dude Ranch Vacations in the 1920s and 30s American West, Ava Gertrude Lindenmaier
Unseen Histories: A Visual Study of Political Presence and Aesthetic Interpretation, Sara Aboobakar
Untitled (The Language of Absence in Minimalist Art), Hannah Sage Kay
Upload Complete: A Music Film By Etnar Casado, Etnar Esteban Casado
U.S. Democracy Promotion in the Middle East: More and Less Than Meets the Eye, Julia Lang Gordon
Utilizing New York State’s Distributive Generation Laws for Affordable Housing Organizations, Reuben Jaffe Goldstein
Variations on the Theme of Integration in the "Israeli Democracy", Mais Ali Hriesh
“Vast Sources of Productive Power Lying Unnecessarily Idle:” Occupational Therapy and the Imperative of Work, 1900-1930, Madi E. Garvin
Watch Me! Watch Me?: Two dances and a paper exploring of the shifting role of codified techniques in contemporary creative dance-making and the question of how dance training is accommodating this shift, Kayla Charity Bobalek
Water Management and Conflict in Sahel Africa: What Determines Successful Collective Actions?, Wenqian Luo
Water Security in the Village of Red Hook, New York: Monitoring Groundwater and Surface Water Sources for Potential Indications of Contamination, Kyle Abraham Feldman
Waves of an Emperor: An Anthology of Napoleon Bonaparte's Presence in 19th Century Literature, Katherine Constance McDonough
Wealth Poverty at Social Intersections: Differential Access and Accumulation, Daniella Medina MS
WEIGHT•LESS, Lily Rosenthal Williams
What A Heart Loves A Thesis Presentation, Regan Humphrey
"What is to be Done?" Contesting Modernity in Sayyid Qutb and Ali Shariati's Islamic Revival, Nicole B. Carroll
When Ideology Trumps Evidence; Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act, Amar Reddy
When the Canon Backfires: Deconstructing the Centrality of Hannah Arendt to Human Rights Critical Theory, Nicholas Alexander Lynch
Where Do We Go From Here? Exploring the Shifts in Linguistic and Cultural Identities for Latvian-Americans, Ariana Veronika Ule
"Where do you summer?", Michael Antonio Warren
Why Did I Marry A Sentimentalist?: Family & Domesticity in the Films of Steven Spielberg, Emmet Dotan
Why Didn't the Arab Spring Spread to Eritrea? How Mass Suppression and Fear Can Successfully Prevent Dissent, Winta Amanuel Mehari
Woman as Dialect: La Malinche in the Construction and Re-Construction of Post-Colonial Mexican Identity, Natalie Irene Schuman
Women Playing Men Loving Women: An Analysis of Traditional Masculinity through “Breeches Role” Aria and Art Song, Marisol Imani Dothard
Worldly Things: Poetry and Propaganda In America, Claire Godwyn Harvey
WORLDREAM, Tessa Clare Menatian
Wounded Skyes: A Tale of Razors and Recovery Not a Fairytale, Naomi Harris
Writing Unwritten: Reference, Opposition and Morality in Poe, Baudelaire, and Mallarmé, Matthew Abraham Woodard
Yes, No, or Maybe: A Look Into the Denotations of Chinese Fu Talismans, Obadiah Diaz Wright
You're The One That I Want, Anna Celia Jane Sinreich
You're the One That I Want, Kirsten Sylvia Harvey
"You Wanna Piece of Me?" : Reframing American Supremacy as White Supremacy, Tayler G. Butler
Οὐδε γέρων Ἀστραῖος ἀναίνετο: The Dancing God and the Mind of Zeus in Nonnos’ Dionysiaca, Doron Simcha Tauber