Date of Award


First Advisor

Karen Beaumont

Second Advisor

Aimee Michel


This thesis is an analytical as well as experiential comparison of theater and film: maintaining the concept that the basic process of production in theater should be upheld in the production of a film in order to obtain the best result. The products of each have as goals to convey a message, a thought, or an emotional journey to viewers from the perspective of the creator of a written work. In essence it is The Play v. The Movie. This mutual relationship between the two media becomes a correlation between the two processes. Having examined both, the revelation emerges that (1) the tendency to maintain the integrity of the script for the play yields to the goal, while (2) the tendency to alter or transform the screenplay for the movie, sometimes results in an unrecognizable product and therefore, often times, misses or diminishes the mark.


Ask at the Alumni Library circulation desk for the companion piece that accompanies this thesis.

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