Date of Award


First Advisor

Nancy Bonvillain

Second Advisor

Maryann Tebeen


This thesis examines the role and perception of money in the field of human rights, both from the perspective of those seeking a profit at the expense of human rights, and those who would disapprove of such actions, yet need money to carry out their own humanitarian agenda. In both cases, money is seen as important, yet for different reasons. It seems that in the case of the former, money is valued as an ultimate prize to be obtained, whereas in the case of the latter, money is important in the sense that it is needed to achieve an objective, but it does not appear to be the ultimate motivating factor, or prize to be achieved, in humanitarian work. Several human rights related issues are examined, with an analysis of the likely perception of money by actors on either side of a human rights agenda. Essentially, the purpose of this thesis is to examine the fact that “money makes the world go round,” within a human rights context, and to beg the question of why we have, across time, ascribed such significant worth to money itself.

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