
Heidi Singe

Date of Award


First Advisor

Aimee Michel

Second Advisor

Wesley Brown


The nature of performative art allows people the opportunity to share and relate to each other on a more explosive, more potent level. A metamorphosis occurs for actor and audience alike when a player transforms into another being entirely within the span of a step over the threshold onto the stage. Of course, this is neither simple nor immediate; it typically takes months, maybe years, to find a character in oneself and embody them sincerely and truthfully. But, when the actor fully commits to this work-when they truly understand and become the character - the preconceived veil of one's real life can be removed, forcing the audience to see themselves and their world in a newly discovered light. In exploration of this, I have produced and starred as Woman in a production of Not Medea, a play by Allison Gregory. To do so, I worked closely with a team of five other students and alumni over the span of eight months to fully stage this two-hour production. Simultaneous to navigating the complex world of putting up a theatrical production, I embarked on a personal journey to figure out what "embodying the character" meant to me and my work as a theatre artist. I took inspiration for embodying Woman from my own life experience, work within the rehearsal room, and in-depth research into topics including Euripides' Medea and Jungian and classical theatrical archetypes. Through this holistic, personal research, I challenged the audience and myself to look at this classic story of tragically epic proportions through the eyes of a woman who cannot escape her life or her motherhood, and through her, explore what it means to play a certain "type" of role in the theatre or in everyday life.

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