Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program

Human Rights

Project Advisor 1

Thomas Keenan

Project Advisor 2

Jane E. Smith

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This project contains two essays: one of them explores the etymological nature of privacy, including some problems created by assuming its place as an obvious and direct opposite of something public. It also describes existing categories of privacy and categories in which privacy can be talked about; all this in order to explore and try to understand the multifaceted nature of privacy. The second section of this essay explores two different perspectives on the right to privacy: the Brandeisian approach, which understands privacy as part of the “right to be let alone,” and the Thomsonian approach which understands privacy as a property right. Finally, the second essay tries to answer the question “what do we lose when we lose our privacy?” through an examination of private property.

Senior Project submitted to The Division of Social Studies of Bard College.

Open Access Agreement

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Creative Commons License

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