Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program

Architecture; Theater

Project Advisor 1

Miriam Felton-Dansky

Project Advisor 2

Ivonne Santoyo-Orozco

Abstract/Artist's Statement

This senior project entitled Audience Patina: An Enmeshment of Architecture and Theater explores the interconnections and juxtapositions between environmental topographies, liminal space, and imaginary dreamscapes. The project consists of interdisciplinary research used to create a large-scale installation piece, as well as the direction of the play The Stars Come Out at Night. This installation was created in conversation with the play, which was written by fellow theater department senior, Emily Kaufman-Bell. The play is the essential work that briefed the design around a dreamlike environmental imagery. The design and research explore how space and bodies communicate with each other and have the ability to press change on to one another. Precedent studies that primed this work, include but are not limited to: The Manhattan Transcripts (1976-1981) by Bernard Tschumi, Maya Lin’s Water Line, and The Host by Anna Fries (2020).

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
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