Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Sarah Dunphy-Lelii

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Divorce is extremely common in the United States, we hold one of the highest divorce rates in the world. With this being said it can be understood that many children are caught in the middle of a divorce. Current research has looked at the difference between low conflict and high conflict divorces and the effects they may have on children, which is shown to only differ slightly. In this paper I will be looking at the effect divorce has on a child depending on their stage in development. By looking at Piaget’s Developmental Stage Theory, I am able to dissect the developmental focus as well as internal crisis in order to analyze the struggles the child may have in the future. This study will entail surveying individuals 18 to 35 and asking them questions about their current state as well as their parents style of parenting, mental and educational abilities, as well as their abilities to maintain relationships after experiencing their parents divorce. By looking at this data we will be able to see that each stage of development causes a different struggle, or outcome, for the child because of the dysfunction and disequilibrium caused by the divorce of their parents.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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