Date of Submission

Spring 2022

Academic Program

Human Rights

Project Advisor 1

Kathryn Tabb

Abstract/Artist's Statement

In this project I move through three distinct spaces in order to investigate the worthy questions that nonverbal people’s existence poses in terms of evidence, art consumption, and education. During the first movement of this project I will pose questions around what evidence of injustice can mean, specifically through the lens of nonverbal folk’s sharing of evidence of maltreatment. During the second movement I will move into the space of the museum, in order to explore the question of what it means to consume art objects, both as a disabled person and as a person consuming disabled art. During the third and final movement, I will move into the space of the classroom. In this movement I’ll continue to build upon the other two spaces we’ve moved through, and apply investigations of injustice, translation and intimacy to education. I’ll connect my previous discussion of epistemic injustice to the concept of using disabled and/or nonverbal student’s art as a mode of communication.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

This work is protected by a Creative Commons license. Any use not permitted under that license is prohibited.
