Date of Submission

Spring 2021

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Pavlina Tcherneva

Project Advisor 2

Leanne Ussher

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The dominating, fundamental misunderstanding of what money also plagues Local Currencies. The belief that money emerged from Barter Exchange with the ultimate goal of lubricating market transactions is one that has shaped the socio-economic landscape as we know it. The result is an economy that is faulty and fragile. In this two part project, the true fundamentals of money are uncovered and applied to Local Currencies; to be seen as a tool for restimulating and restabilizing the economy. This paper takes two parts: 1- A theoretical approach, and 2) A proof of concept. After a year of research and implementation, it is clear how impactful local currencies can be in transforming the socio-economic landscape in a more equitable, accessible manner.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

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