Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Cathy Collins

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Habitat fragmentation is known to have important ecological consequences, including for diversity, though much of the previous research has focused on macroscopic organisms. In this study, I examined the diversity in terms of richness, evenness, and phylogenetic relatedness of soil communities of bacteria and fungi at multiple spatial scales using DNA sequences previously extracted from fragments of varying size collected at the Kansas Fragmentation Experiment. For the bacterial data, neither diversity levels nor community composition varied based on sample location. Both weighted and unweighted UniFrac measures, however, indicate that the composition of the communities does differ across the landscape, driven at least in the case of the unweighted UniFrac by differences between the matrix and small clusters.

Open Access Agreement

On-Campus only

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 4.0 License.

metad_alpha_its.csv (3 kB)
ITS metadata

ITS_com.Rmd (44 kB)
ITS community analysis code

ITS.nochim.Rdata (502 kB)
Output of DADA2 pipeline for ITS

ITStree.tre (2012 kB)
ITS tree file

ITS_phylo.Rmd (8 kB)
ITS R code

RAxML_bestTree.result (9804 kB)
16s tree

sproj_com.Rmd (41 kB)
16S community analysis code

sproj_phylo.Rmd (8 kB)
16S R code

16S.nochim.Rdata (1914 kB)
Output of DADA2 pipeline for 16S

metad_alpha.csv (4 kB)
16S metadata

16S_taxa.Rdata (1834 kB)
ITS_taxa.Rdata (489 kB)

This work is protected by a Creative Commons license. Any use not permitted under that license is prohibited.

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