Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Studio Arts; Philosophy

Project Advisor 1

Ellen Driscoll

Project Advisor 2

Norton Batkin

Abstract/Artist's Statement

Artist statement:

In my practice of mixed-media sculptures and installations, I use different kinds of materials in unexpected ways to provoke uncertainties, inquiries, and reflections. My works entice people to stop and pay close attention. In this process, they may be confused and amused. By being labor- intensive and repetitive with ordinary materials, my works inspire people to see familiar forms and materials in new and fresh ways. Underneath the familiarity of the materials is the “white noise,” a hum of dissonance between the familiar and the strange.

The installation Untitled#0420 uses fishing lines as its major component, which is related to the philosophy writing that I developed in my senior project. However, the installation did not emerge as a physical explanation of my writing, but as an independent artwork standing side by side with the written part. Overall, the work intends to generate a disorienting, peaceful, quiet, and slightly ghost-like atmosphere.

The installation piece can be summarized into six parts: The fishing line structure above, the silicon chairs in the center, the writing on the floor, the projection on the left with the hidden space behind it, the small figures along the bottom of the wall facing outside of the space, and the circular transparent sculpture on the right. The fishing lines are woven into a net-like structure that connects different parts of the work into one. The net structure is then pulled by a hidden motor to swing the chairs below gently, creating a dream-like environment. The silicone chairs are all cast from the same neutral and commonly used type of chairs. The wax figures and the chairs represent the conflicting state of the viewers, being both absent and present in the work. The video projection shows several layers of my face and my voice, speaking of ‘art’ and ‘artist’ alternatively while breathing in and out. The sound of the video projection comes out from the tube of the circular sculpture as murmuring. The writing on the floor document my thoughts that emerged during creation and are gradually smeared as the viewers come into the installation space. As a whole, the work invites viewers to become a part of this installation when they step into the space.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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