Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program

Mathematics; Economics

Project Advisor 1

Aniruddha Mitra

Project Advisor 2

Stefan Mendez-Diez

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The recent shift in migration literature towards a focus on migrant sending countries has been characterized by a negative impact of remittances on human rights and other political institutions. Furthering this literature, we claim that remittances increase neoliberal reforms in migrant sending countries. Given the multiplicity of incentives to support neoliberal policies on the part of the migrant, the remittance receiver, and the sending country’s government, we expect the remittance share of GDP to positively influence the presence of neoliberal policies in the migrant-sending country. Using the Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom Index as a proxy for neoliberalism, we implement an instrumental variable model to address the endogeneity of remittances, and show that there is a positive relationship between remittance share of GDP and neoliberalism.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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