Date of Submission

Spring 2020

Academic Program


Project Advisor 1

Thomas Hutcheon

Abstract/Artist's Statement

The current study investigated the effect of smartphone dependence and subsequent smartphone separation on selective attention. Performance on selective attention tasks was operationalized as response time and accuracy on two versions of the stroop response inhibition task. Smartphone dependency was operationalized as a score which exceeds the cutoff on the Smartphone Addiction Scale Revised edition ( SAS-R). To create smartphone separation students were asked to place their smartphone in a provided basket during the experiment. It was hypothesised that students who are deemed smartphone dependent and then separated from their smartphones would perform worse across all blocks of the stroop task compared to those who do meet the cutoff score for smartphone dependency. Across standard stroop trials in block 1 and block 2 a congruency effect was found such that reaction time was significantly slower for incongruent word/color pairs then congruent word color pairs. However no effect of smartphone dependency was found across all blocks such that smartphone dependent individuals did not perform significantly worse compared to non dependent individuals.

Open Access Agreement

Open Access

Creative Commons License

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